Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

Driven By Faith: Helping Coaches Build Their Dream Business

CEO, Faith2Influence

When we think of business, rarely does faith get to be a part of the picture. Seeing this significant gap, Justin Janowski built a bridge to help hundreds of coaches build their dream business from the ground up driven by his faith. In this episode, he joins Brett Snodgrass to share the full story of his purpose, which led to the creation of his organization, Faith2Influence. Justin also dives deep into the challenges of coaches today when it comes to sales, particularly on charging for their products and services. He then shares his faith-based method on how to overcome these blocks, making people change the way they view sales and, at the same time, do it in a way that feels good, honest, and successful. For more wisdom rooted in the faith and the art of influence, don’t miss out on this conversation. Let Justin show you that your dream business is possible because nothing is impossible with Him.

Driven By Faith: Helping Coaches Build Their Dream Business With Justin Janowski

CEO, Faith2Influence

In this episode, I interviewed Justin Janowski with Faith2Influence. He talks about helping hundreds or even thousands of coaches build the dream of their business from the ground up. Let's go.

IDP 19 | Dream Business

I got Justin Janowski from Faith2Influence with me. What's going on, Justin?

Brett, thanks for having me.

I’m super excited to have you on the show. We got a chance just to catch up, chat a little bit, and talk about your business, what you do throughout your career, and your journey. I want to give you a brief bio, guys. Justin Janowski has helped hundreds of coaches build their dream businesses from the ground up. Driven by his faith, he founded the organization Faith2Influence to help people learn what it takes to turn coaching into a profitable business venture. That's the conversation we've been having. You help coaches and people who run masterminds, but you help sales too. You know how to sell, but you do it in a way with integrity with the kingdom mindset. Tell us a little bit about you, your story, and who Justin Janowski is.

Thanks for asking. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'm married to my wife, Kara. She's amazing. I've got two little kids, Grace and Gavin. I'm a Christian. My faith is really important to me. Sales have been my thing for a very long time. I was in sales when I was eighteen. My first job out of high school was selling Cutco Kitchen knives. I would have in-home presentations with my friend's parents. It's a goofy job. It's not for everybody that direct sales job, but I loved it. I sold a couple hundred thousand dollars’ worth of Cutco. I had 700 customers. I learned a lot about sales and entrepreneurship there.

I got into financial planning later and started to hire my own coaches, people who would support me in growing my business and in my life. I realized I wanted to get into the coaching space. It was compelling to me, fun, and interesting. I worked for another coaching company in sales for a few years, but that company became very spiritual as a lot of the personal development world is, and it wasn't Christian. Over time, the divide between my faith and the spirituality of the company that didn't feel super aligned began to grow the gap there.

I decided I wanted to have my own coaching business that brought Jesus into it. It was faith-based. It started out as a men's group Faith2Influence in 2019. I had a lot of success out of the gate and we collected over $250 in revenue in my first year. Some of the Christian entrepreneurial men who were in my original group wanted to start coaching businesses. As I coached and helped them design their business models, price their programs, and start selling them, I realized that that was hard for most new entrepreneurs, the designing, the pricing, and the selling. Money, in general, for a lot of Christian people can be challenging. Those things felt easy and natural to me.

I wanted to narrow in and work specifically with Christian coaches now men and women to help them build those businesses. Along the way, I've had people hire me to do sales directly for them as a virtual sales rep or bring a virtual team to their live events or conferences or on a retainer basis. We do some of that for some bigger names in the industry as well, doing seven figures plus in business. If I narrow it down, it comes down to sales being my history and something that I love and think is fun that most people think isn't so much fun.

That's amazing. You started this organization, Faith2Influence, and worked with this other organization. There's a gap there, a lot of the New Age spiritual principles, which a lot of them sound great, but they're not going down the biblical path of Christ. That's where this show’s been born too. You started coaching other coaches, coaching sales.

I want to ask you. Coaching, in general, in business or life, personal coaches or life coaching, has become pretty big. Decades ago, it wasn't around as much as it is now with business coaches, especially personal life coaches, and sales, coaches maybe not as much. What would you attribute to the gap in the coaching industry? What do you tell people that is a little bit different than some of the other coaching programs out there? You've worked with one, so how has Faith2Influence been a little bit different?

Faith2Influence is a little bit different because it brings the faith element into the business side of the marketplace. What's interesting is our content around sales, business design, pricing, money mindset, and things like that is as effective for non-Christians as it is for Christians as long as somebody wants to do things in a high-integrity way. We make it Christian-specific because that's my value system. It means I get to surround myself with people I can pray with. I can be totally forward in all the strategies of my business, which include prayer, bringing God into it, inviting him into the space, and recognizing as a coach that maybe I know a few things, but I don't have all the answers and God does.

I like being able to incorporate him into my business, involve him, and create a space that feels safe for people who, because of their Christian background, share some similar problems or challenges around money and sales. I know a lot of coaches in the marketplace market in a way that doesn't feel super honest or sell in a way that doesn't feel super transparent and honest. Everything that I'm teaching and doing myself, I want to run through that lens of, “Is this totally honest and transparent? Would God be proud of the work that I'm doing?” That's important to me. It's not a ministry. It's not a volunteer nonprofit venture.

This is a business, my career, how I provide for my family, and how I increase my tithe to the church. I want to be successful in my business. I'm not shying away from that. I want to be strategic, thoughtful, and smart and be a good strong business person while also being highly thoughtful, honest, integrity-filled, and transparent in the marketplace. Oftentimes, you find that people are showing up and have a lot of success in business and maybe they're not doing things the right way or people are super humble and super honest, but they struggle in business in part because of that and some old stories they have. We're trying to bridge the gap and change what people feel about sales and help them find a way to do it that feels good and honest but also highly successful.

You started Faith2Influence. You brought some business guys, and they were interested in coaching. You also said that they had a hard time selling their program or their service. Even I have a hang-up on this. I'm going to ask you. For example, I've been in real estate for many years and I have no problem buying and fixing up a home, checking out what I think the value of the home is, selling it to a buyer, and putting a value price tag on that particular service in that home. Sometimes we get a hang-up when we sell our own services in our coaching services and minimize the value of that.

IDP 19 | Dream Business

Is that what you're helping guys? I want to ask the question. Why do you think it's hard? These guys do business and they sell a product and they're no problem making money on it, but when it comes to selling their own coaching or their own self or their service, they have a hard time charging a certain amount of money. I'm even speaking to myself in this.

There's a certain part of it that says when we sell a product that's separate from us, and if somebody says yes or no to the product, we can walk away and still feel okay about ourselves. If we're selling what feels like ourselves, it feels a lot more personal, which makes it feel a lot more dangerous and vulnerable for us to sell ourselves. Some people, if they try to sell themselves and the other person thinks, “You're not worth that much. No, I'm not interested in this. What says that you can charge that price? How are you qualified to do that job or provide that service?” we might take that as a personal rejection. That's part of it.

It comes down to what I would call the internal art of influence, which is what's happening in our own heads and our own hearts. That's what's affecting the result there, our capacity to make high ticket sales in our own coaching programs, or our own services where we're selling ourselves. There are three parts to it, but I'll narrow in on two for this, which are our identity and who we believe ourselves to be. This greatly affects our capacity to sell ourselves and sell our coaching services. If we believe that we are a great coach, a great leader, a great salesperson, if we believe that what we have to offer is worth a lot more than we're charging for it and that we are enough, then we're more likely to feel comfortable making sales.

If we have a certain confidence and belief in ourselves, then we're not going to be shaken by somebody saying, “It's not for me right now.” That's an important piece. For people who are struggling with their internal self-talk or their own identity, recommendations would be prayer and bringing it to God. Also, to write and speak life into your identity. You might have old stories that you were given by your parents or from other people in your lives that are disempowering. You might need to write an empowering story, like an I am statement. “I'm a great coach, I'm a great leader. I am valuable, I am wise, I am generous, I am giving, I am worth it. I'm good enough.” It is those kinds of stories we might need to repeat to ourselves to change the soundtrack as Jon Acuff would say, “That's running around in our head.”

The third thing that we can do is surround ourselves with people who speak life into our vision, who encourage us, believe in us, and help us see ourselves as better than we yet realize we are. A strong identity makes it easy for us to step in and sell. There are other blocks as well and they show up in the form of stories. The third piece is the internal art of influences. What are the stories that we're telling ourselves, not just about ourselves, but about everything else?

Some of us have old stories about money, like money is the root of all evil. The Bible doesn't say that. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. In other words, making it idle, making it the most important thing, putting it above the things that matter more like people, God, health, and all those things. If we make money number one and make it an idol, then that's a problem. Money in itself is not evil. Some of us have this old story that money's bad or making money's bad, or, “People who make a lot of money are jerks. They're not nice. I don't want to be like that,” or, “My dad said to be grateful for what you have over and over, so I feel a little bit guilty wanting more than what I have.”

Whatever this old story might be about money, we might need to check that story. We may need to rewrite the story. A simple way to do it is to write the story on a piece of paper, cross it out, and write a true more empowering story underneath if the old story is not serving us. My empowered story about money is the more I earn, the more I can give. My wife and I have always given 10% to 20% of what we earn. If you have not yet started, give 1%. Go to 3% or 5%. If you're giving a percentage of what you earn, the more you earn, the more you're going to give to your church, charities, and the people in need. That can remove some resistance around earning more.

For some people, the stories aren't about money. They're about sales. “Salespeople are manipulative, bad, or greedy. Sales are taking something from someone else.” If we've got stories like that, we're going to have a hard time stepping into a sales call because we don't want to be pushy, manipulative, greedy, or take something from somebody else. I believe sales, when done right, is simply making it as easy as possible for the right people to say yes. Sales, when done right, is helping people get more of what they want or become more of who God created them to become. Sales, when done right, is coaching with an invitation at the end of it. Sales, when done right, can feel like leadership, coaching, or love even.

Those old stories become blocks. If we've got bad stories about sales, money, or ourselves, we're going to have a hard time. If we can get the stories right and heal here and here, ourselves first, then we're going to remove resistance and be able to have honest, valuable, and powerful conversations with other people, and make it easy for the right people to feel comfortable moving forward.

Also, one final piece on this, and I'll let you respond Brett, is if we love and respect somebody, they'll love and respect us whether they buy or not. If we don't make it weird, upset, or feel personally offended, everything's going to be cool in that relationship. We're going to love and respect them whether they buy or not. We recognize as a salesperson that our job is to be influential, to ask great questions, to make a great offer, and to recognize where our responsibility ends and the other person begins. We have to let them be responsible for making their decision and not take it personally. If it's not the right time, they can't afford that price point, or whatever it might be, that's okay. We can accept and love them, and they can accept and love us in that scenario as well.

I love that it takes all the pressure off in that scenario too. You talk about high-integrity sales calls. You have this ten-step process leading high-conversion sales calls without compromising integrity. I've been on good sales calls. There have been great organizations that I've been a part of that I've paid a lot of money for. I'd say that was totally worth it. It was high value. I've also heard some other horror stories, too, where someone paid a high ticket sale and walked away, didn't think that it was worth that, didn't think that there was integrity behind that. Can you give us a story or something that you help people with when it comes to these high-integrity sales calls? Have you ever been on the other end of it too where you've seen or heard without integrity? Talk to us about that.

There are so many directions I could go in responding to this. Let's make sure that we're designing a program that feels good for us to deliver on. If you are a coach or an entrepreneur and you're running some coaching program, you are the only person who's going to be in that program forever. Everyone else is going to come and go. The program design must be one in which you love it. You love providing the service and the value. You and I were talking, Brett, that you love live events. If that's fun for you and you don't love a certain other aspect that people sometimes include in a coaching program, leave that one out. If you don't like it, you're not going to deliver on it at the highest level. You're going to resent it. It's going to burn you out.

IDP 19 | Dream Business

Let's design programs that are fun for us, especially when we are successful, winning, and able to raise our prices. If the program is still really fun for us to provide, let's underpromise and overdeliver so that people feel like they got everything that they were told they were going to get and more from the program rather than overpromising, making things too hard for ourselves, and then having the risk of underdelivering. To that point, let's be honest about our marketing and our pricing.

By the way, I know some of the audience are doing this, and that's okay. I love you. I understand. We're all on our own journey and our own timeline. Something that bothers me is people having a $20,000 program but calling it $19,997. To me, that's ridiculous. When we're talking about $20,000 and take $3 off the price and say it's $19,997 what I hear people say, or your $10,000 program calling it $9,997, I get it. I know that's a marketing tactic. Maybe it makes you make more sales.

I like to think that my audience or my people are a little bit smarter than that now. They know that $9,997 is $10,000, but even if they weren't, if I have anybody who would buy my program for $9,997 who would not buy it at $10,000 because of a threshold in their mind, I don't want them to buy. I want them to say no if $10,000 sounds like too much because the real price is $10K. I want to make sure that the people who join my program feel good about that price point. It's very transparent and honest. There are no tricky marketing tactics to get them in. There's no false urgency.

I've just got a fair price point that's honest and shared, and I'm inviting people to it and giving them an opportunity to say yes. When they say yes, they don't feel tricked. They don't feel like I overpromised. I'm oftentimes giving more to the people in my program than they expected. That leads to people feeling good about their decision to be a part of it. A final thing I'll say on this is that, as a Christian leader in business, I want to make the right decision for the other person financially whenever possible. I want to be generous. I want to be loving. At some point, Jesus talks in the Bible about not expecting your debts to be repaid by people who owe you something, or if somebody takes your hat, give them your shirt too. There are stories like that in the Bible.

If I've got somebody in a program, and let's say it was $1,000 a month, and they make three payments and can't make the fourth payment, I'm not signing some blood contract with them and coming after them for that money. If they can't make the fourth payment, I'm going to have a conversation, investigate, and see if we can find a solution. I might even say like, “This month's on me. Let's just pick it back up next month.” See if that can work.

Oftentimes, if somebody has a money problem for one month and it doesn't go away in a month, it's still there the next month, I'm just going to let them go. If they can't make the payment, it's going to affect their family. It's going to hurt them. They're choosing between paying for my program and paying a bill. The program's not for them now, and I'm going to let that person lovingly go. That thing makes it easier for me too. Because I deliver upon everything I say I'm going to, I'm transparent on the front end, and I'm honest in the way I show up for people, I never have anyone ask for a refund. Occasionally, somebody can't make all their payments because the financial ask was a little bit of a stretch for them and they ran into a hard time. I'm going to let that person go with love and keep the door open for the future.

If you show up and do what you say you're going to do, people are rarely going to ask for a refund. If they were to ask for a refund and they had a good reason for it, I know this is hard for new entrepreneurs, but I would give them the refund. I have a conversation. I believe in win-win or no deal in business. How can we make this a win for both of us? How can this feel fair for both of us?

I'm going to negotiate in a way that allows us to both get to a place of feeling good and feeling like this is fair. If I can't get there because we tithe every month, like we tithe a certain amount to the church, a certain amount in a giving account, I'll pull the money from my giving account, make the payment for them, and pay back the company through the giving account. If I need to give them that gift and they need to be the recipient of that financial support, I'll do that when I need to.

I've run into this, too, where someone’s a great culture fit. You love having them as a client, you're working with them, and you see some growth potential in them, but they're not quite there yet financially. Let's say they can't make some payments. Have you ever made some decisions just based on, “I want to help out this person right and see them grow?”

I'll essentially sponsor a client or give a sweetheart deal, maybe 1 out of every 20. You can't do this very frequently. If you do it frequently, it's not fair to your paying clients or paying full price. I can think of one person who's in our sales school for the six-month program now who could not afford the program and wasn't going to be able to be in it. She wanted to be in it is on a call with me crying, saying how much she wanted to be in it. I know she's a single mom, she's got a couple of kids. She's in a position where it's just not possible for her. She's got some other challenges she's dealing with, which I won't share here to identify her.

As I spoke with her, I just felt like God telling me she needs to be a part of this and she's going to be a culture fit. She's going to make the program better for everybody else. This is a gift I need to give. I invited her into the program. The program is $5,500, and she paid $1,000. I'm like, “What could you pay?” She said, “I've saved $1,000 for something like this. I know that's ridiculous. There's no way you could say yes.” I'm like, “Deal. Let's do it.” That felt good and felt equitable for her. She's been an amazing client to work with. I was absolutely right in my gut feeling to invite her into the program.

We need to make sure that we're not doing it very frequently. It shouldn't be done more than 1 out of 10 clients at the most, but 1 out of 20 is probably better. If we are going to make that concession for someone, it has to be defensible that if our clients were to find out about that price point, or one of my clients is reading this episode, I'm openly talking about this. I like transparency. If they read this and say, “I'm paying the full price of $5,500, and you gave somebody $1,000?” I need to be able to explain why and be able to feel like it's defensible. I had good reason for this and it was the right thing to do. I trust that my clients, if they're like me, are going to understand and respect that I invited a single person in. I'm not doing that regularly and everybody else is paying the same price as this client is.

This is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing, Justin. We talked about the optimal business model. Let's say someone is going in, and what I've seen a lot is someone will start out in business, they'll raise up a business, maybe they sell it, and get burned out from that business. They transition into consulting, coaching, and masterminding. We see that time and time again. Maybe they write a book and then they start coaching other people.

Those are looking into coaching or masterminding. What are some other key considerations when designing their pricing or their offer? I've gone in and I've been coached by people that charge $50 or $100 an hour. I've been to people who charge $1,000 an hour. I've been to masterminds where it's $30,000 and then some are charging $5,000. What are some considerations that you have to think about?

If I'm thinking about launching a coaching business, there are a few steps that are really important. The first thing I would encourage people to do is design their mission statement. To me, that is a statement that, in short, says, “I help blank do blank so that blank.” It answers the questions of who you work with, what problem you help them solve, and why it matters. If we get this clear, this informs everything else we do. It allows us to have a consistent message. If done right and specific enough, we've got a narrow target market so that we can become known to that specific group of people and we're solving a pervasive problem that that group of people needs to have solved. That makes a great impact by solving it, which supports them.

This works for a marriage coach as much as it works for a marketing coach and for a spiritual director, which is a form of spiritual coaching, faith, and Christianity coaching. Across all these different avenues, we want to have a specific audience that we work with, a problem that we solve, and a reason why it matters. That informs everything else. If we're clear on that, because of the different problems that we're solving, the different audiences we're working with affect our price point. They affect our offering, no question about it.

If we're outcome-focused first, then we move on to saying what our signature offer is. This is the very best way somebody could work with us for a year. This might be your highest ticket offering, and it might be an annual program, which could be six months. If you were going to go all in with a client to help them solve this problem in a way that would be fun for you and incredibly valuable for them, what would that design look like? We want to start to look at all the different categories that people sometimes include in a coaching business, in a mastermind, and in a signature offer, which includes things like one-on-one coaching, group coaching calls, live events, immersive experiences, and workshops. There are a number of different things you could do like digital courses. We could go on and on.

We want to look at each of these categories. This is something I walk my clients through one category after the next and ask ourselves the question, “Does this sound fun for me or heavy?” I told you before, that one-on-one coaching can be a little heavy for me. I don't offer a ton of that to everybody. If I'm going to offer it, it's at a lower frequency or it's to a select few clients because it can feel heavy. I need to protect myself. For some people running a live event, it would feel heavy. You don't have to do that just because other people do it. Don't do it if it's too heavy for you, if it's not fun, or if it's not sustainable.

If, for you, live events are super fun, light, and interesting, that should be in your program. For other people, I know people who love one-on-one coaching. That lights them up. That should be a part of their program then, even though with some people, it shouldn't. If we figure out what's fun for us and what's compelling, and we design the program based on that, then we want to ask the question of frequency. How often do we want to offer one-on-one coaching? Is it once a month or every other week during the program? Something else? How often do we want to include live events? Is it once a year, twice, thrice? How often do we want to include group calls? Once a week, every other week, once a month?

Let's say in an annual program that this program's going to get twelve one-on-one coaching calls. It's going to include 26 group calls, 1 every other week, and it's going to include 2 live events. The next question is, “What are each of these things worth?” Have a program that’s defensible to the price point in the same way that other things are defensible. Somebody said, “Why does it cost this?” It's because of this and this. The question becomes, “How much is your one-on-one coaching call worth?” You hit on something, which is that in the marketplace, there's a wide range of price points.

Most new coaches are going to value their one-on-one coaching calls between $200 and $1,000 per call. Some people are going to be less than that, usually not very successful coaches. Some people are going to be more than that, usually very successful coaches. Most mid-tier, newer, but wise coaches are between $200 and $1,000 per call. If you decide my coaching calls are worth $500 or whatever it is in that range, are you an experienced coach or a little less experienced? Are you a luxury model in the marketplace or the economy model? You can decide where you want to be in that range. You might charge $200 per call on value. I might say mine are worth $1,000. That's fine, but you know what the marketplace is charging generally, and you've placed yourself in the appropriate spot for a starting place for yourself.

If your calls are worth $500 each and you offer 12 in the program, that's $6,000 worth of value. How much of the group calls are worth and how much is the live event worth? Live events might be worth between $500 and $10,000 per event. Depends on the way you want to run it, who you're running it for, and what problem you're solving. If you're running three live events and they're $3,000 each, that's $9,000 worth of value. If they're $7,000 each, that's $21,000 worth of value. Different program prices but inside of a range the marketplace says this is the value of what people are charging for these things.

We create a value stack and we say the program's worth this much. You could just charge that number. Oftentimes, people will discount that number because you're buying it from Costco and you're buying in bulk. You're not just getting one coaching call, one event, or one group call. You're buying a whole year's worth of these things. Maybe we discount that somewhere between 20% and 50% of that number if we'd like to and say this total program's worth $20,000, but we're selling it for $15,000. You might decide whether you are willing to take payments or not.

If you're willing to take payments, you might offer a discount to pay in full. You incentivize those paid in full, which usually helps you have a more committed client and better cashflow to win for everybody. If they split it up, they usually pay a little bit more. There's a lot more to it. Those are the things that I'm thinking about. “What's my mission statement? What's the best way people can work with me? What's it worth piece by piece? What's the total value, the total price”? You could consider dropdown offers like just one-on-one coaching, or you could buy the group aspects of the program at a lower price and not get the one-on-one, which is less scalable, and things like that. You can adjust from there, but that's a starting place.

Do you see this happen a lot where new coaches, for example, start and as they grow, get more experience, and more value, then their prices increase along the way?

If they have great mentorship. What I see happen most often is coaches design a very low price, especially Christian coaches. They just want to help people. They're not in it for the money. Their heart is there to serve, love, provide, and impact people, which is great. If it is a real business and it needs to provide for your family, the more successful your business is, the more you can give and the more fun this can be for you to run. The first need of any business is to remain in business. We need to make enough money to be thriving in our business and keep the doors open.

Most Christian coaches start their program off way too low of a price and remain that way forever. You might be like, “I couldn't possibly say that out loud.” Maybe a $3,000 a month program is what it should cost and you are like, “I couldn't say that $3,000 out loud. I'm saying $300 out loud right now.” We might say $3,000 is what this is worth and what you should charge, but let's have a step-up process. Can we jump from $300 to $500 a month for the next 5 clients? At that point, jump from $500 to $1,000. After those 5, jump from $1,000 to $2,000.

We could have a step-up process. If it was from $300 to $1,000, maybe a jump to $500, to $750, and then to $1,000. Some people need that step-up process. Other coaches are like, “That's the fair price. I'll charge that now.” Best to start at the appropriate price. If we need to slowly work our way there, that's okay. Most coaches who struggle with money and pricing and tell themselves, “I'm going to start low and I'll raise my prices later,” will never, on their own accord, raise their prices because the problem's not getting solved unless they have a coach or a community or something that's acting upon the problem to solve it.

My last question for you, Justin, as we wrap this up. This happens to me. I'm a visionary entrepreneur. I love to create things. You create this model, you get your signature offer, and things get started. One of my fears of me is how you continuously provide value and have engagement and momentum. We do these retreats, we come out of there, and we have so much momentum. How do you continuously serve just to have that momentum before it just gets stale? I've seen that happen a lot. They were like, “We had this group. It was great for six months and then it got stale.”

The most important thing is the answer that a lot of entrepreneurs and coaches don't want to hear. The way you maintain momentum in your program is to focus on sales all of the time. You always need to be focused on sales and bringing in new clients. I know that some people are like, “I don't want to always have to bring in new clients. I don't want to focus on sales.” So many coaches love coaching but find sales to feel scary, intimidating, or heavy.

The invitation is to change the way you feel about sales, to recognize that sales when done right, is just a coaching call. You're discovering and learning about a person or a business and their needs, where they're at now, what their goals are, what's stopping them from accomplishing those goals, and how committed they are to solving the problem. In a coaching call, you're putting together a plan to solve the problem. On a sales call, you're doing the same thing. The plan just might include working with you if you can help them efficiently solve the problem.

If you begin to rewrite sales as a coaching call, maybe you'd enjoy it more, but we have to be focused on sales. Programs will die out, people will transition. If we're not bringing in new people, we're not increasing the network, increasing the value, and bringing in new relationships and new energy that's fresh, things will get stale. You go to the grocery store every single week, you're not going to just grocery shop once and eat that food for the next few years. You need to go to the grocery store over and over again. We need to do the same thing around sales. We need to go back to the store again and again and bring in fresh products.

While we're doing that, if we're successful enough in building as a solopreneur, a thriving business, and we're serving our clients well, referrals will make sales a lot easier, warmer, and more comfortable. That's a smart strategy. As we have more and more success, we can afford to hire a sales rep. That might be the first hire. A simple virtual assistant in your business would be to hire a sales rep or hire a company like ours to do the sales for you if that's not something you want to do. You're going to have to do that first to get to a certain level in the building phase of your business to be financially viable and be able to afford to hire somebody else to do the sales for you. The real answer to keep the program in momentum is to keep it in sales-focused mode even while you're serving.

Having our events and our retreats was one of the things that just drained me, even the recruiting and the sales. I love doing the live events, the experience of it all, and putting all the blueprints together. Going out for all those calls, I can see where you're coming from on that. Justin, thank you so much for being on the show. I appreciate you. I want to give you an opportunity. If someone's interested in what you're offering, and you offer so much value, what's the best thing for them to do?

You could reach out to me directly. I'm easy to find Justin Janowski on Facebook and other social media sites. If you're interested in taking a simple first step, we'd love to give you a free gift, which is our Ten-Step Sales Process PDF. You can get that at That's going to give you some of our sales content for free and get you on our email list where you can find out about our podcast and other things that we're doing. If you want to jump directly to the podcast, it would be Sales Strategies for Christian Coaches. That can be a helpful place to start too.

Check that out. Thank you so much. This is a wrap with Justin Janowski. Thanks, Justin. I appreciate you, buddy.

Thanks, Brett. This was fun.

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