Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

Great Leadership by Self-Leadership: Become Self Aware, Self Reflect & Self Regulate With Trent Booth

As business owners, we know that a team is only as good as its leader.

As business owners, we know that a team is only as good as its leader. This begs the question, "How do I improve my leadership skills?" Great leadership starts with self-leadership.

Trent Booth of Veritas Leadership Group specializes in teaching leaders how to improve their self-leadership. In this conversation he discusses how leaders can grow by becoming more self-aware, self-reflecting & self -regulating. When leaders learn how to practice these, they can become more empathetic, more productive and create a better work culture. Better yet, leaders can be more at peace when they understand techniques that teach how to regularly and correctly identify and address their emotional state.

Leaders can't control others, but leaders can influence others. We won't be able to influence anyone well if we can't even understand and control ourselves. Join Brett as he talks with Trent and learns more about practices like journaling and coaching to enhance your business and your lifestyle.



Great Leadership by Self-Leadership: Become Self Aware, Self Reflect & Self Regulate With Trent Booth

The most repeated function in life is thinking. Before I ever speak I've got to think. In fact, I might even suggest what I decide to speak is wildly influenced by my ability to think well and think quickly. So in terms of emotional intelligence, I think everything in leadership starts with how I'm doing. So one of our Keynotes is to lead yourself to be able to lead others.

What's going on this is Brett Snodgrass with the Iron Deep Podcast. I got Trent Booth on the episode with me. What's going on Trent? -Just living the dream brother. How you doing? -I'm doing fantastic man. Thank you so much for being on this podcast. Enjoying your presence... in our audience you have so much wisdom uh to share with our audience about leadership. You are an Executive Coach. You're a speaker, and you focus on leadership, mentoring and really emotional intelligence. Which you're actually going to really dive into today. And your goal is to empower and Inspire leaders, and you're doing that right now... by being on the show by coaching and Consulting other leaders in the space. And so again, thank you so much. And I'm going to kind of start the show off a little bit different, because typically I might ask your story, your journey. But we know you've been doing this for three decades... inspiring leaders to rise up and to be the best versions of themselves. But I want to talk about the modern day. Our modern culture, we've seen leadership throughout history some names maybe... I've written down.

Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Winston Church Hill, Napoleon, maybe some Modern people Grant Cardone,

Steve Jobs... famous leaders throughout history. But let's talk about today. Where do you think leadership is going or how do you envision the in the evolving of leadership into the future what a great question and uh let's just dive right into the deep end here you know it's interesting some of the names on that list I would celebrate even today and I think that history would continue to hold them up other ones we've already started to kind of I have a beagle and he'll tilt his head to the side and go H you know when I read through Steve Jobs uh autobiography I was so excited to dive in and study this leader and you know they say don't meet your Heroes because when I read through that I'm like this guy I don't know if we'd be friends if we wanted to hang out I was like I don't know if I'd hang out with a guy like that acts like this you know uh and unfortunately when you read through something like that okay you can't deny his genius on certain levels but would do I call him a good leader he wouldn't be one of the first guys I would point to at all uh when I think about a Winston Churchill I'm a little biased there because my grandfather was a huge Churchill fan and Martin Luther King and our dog's name is Lincoln so you probably know where we fall on that one now my last name is Booth so I'll let everybody else at home figure out the math on Lincoln booth and how that's appropriate but all to say that where I think it's going in the future is there's much more scrutiny on leaders and I think that's good I think that's going to invite more accountability in a positive way I think that's going to force leaders to act uh better all the time not just when the spotlights on right and not just in the boardroom but you know I think there's much more scrutiny today and that could be uh that could obviously have pressure come with it but leaders are going to be challenged more than ever to lead from within and Lead well and it can't just be a bunch of platitudes and act well in this moment because people are tracking and there's recordings today you know Napoleon wasn't wrestling back with the media scrum after the battle of waterl I mean he was these leaders today have a much different uh set of circumstances that they're working with there I think that's good we take it further there's going to be more pressure to lead well and I'm saying specifically uh to lead from a place of compassion uh it was Tim Sanders was the first uh that I read on this he wrote Love is the killer app and I just love this book is GI gifted to me by a friend and he was the first one that was saying hey compassion is not just invogue right now and he wrote this over 20 years ago I think he was really on to something he goes this is now part of what we do is we need to bring our compassion to the workplace there's no such thing as work life balance anymore it's like man you just got life these phones mean that work comes home man so no the thing is work life home life I just got L life and I've got to learn how to be able to manage that so for me to bring my compassion to the workplace is going to be an emerging challenge for leadership no I love that I love that obviously you know this is a a Christian show talk about compassion the most compassionate of all when Christ looked at uh the crowds he had compassion upon them right uh to have compassion so what does that look like for you um you know you are you're always with leaders right you're you're heading helping them set goals you're looking at their Vision their future but but even talked about one um you know not to go into too much details of it but one you had to you know go into some different depths of their life um so how do you train people to have more uh compassion what does that look like in the workplace I guess just just going to the professional realm because compassion if like I do mission trips to guala orphans uh and we you know I work with the transforming Futures they train orphans very easily to have compassion for for an orphan um you know I think everyone would say oh someone they didn't raise their hand to be born uh with you know without a mom and a dad and and raised in an orphanage or an institution like that very easy to have compassion but when it comes to the workplace how do you Flex that muscle more that compassion what does that look like uh without going overboard with it right and let people walk all over you see I think identity drives behaviors so for for me my identity is first and foremost as a son of the king so I'm a Child of God but I'm also a sinner saved by grace that sinner sa by Grace part keeps me humble because I know I'm capable of not acting great in any given moment I've got to really watch myself because I want to make sure I'm not hurting people right we used to joke uh you know as when I was leading a church I said uh rule rule one as a pastor don't beat the Sheep that's job one right but I'm capable of that if I'm not paying attention if I'm not engaging in that compassion before show up and certainly when you talk about a scenario with an orphan yeah that that uh I mean that's almost easy compassion right however in my experience if I can see people as people and when I say that my identity needs to drive that if I'm a Child of God that means that the person that I'm interacting with right now is also a child of God right whether or not they acknowledge that God or not right it's not my call whether I'm to treat them with compassion if I'm going to try and get closer to my God I want to treat them the way that he sees them not the way that I necessarily see them so I find when I'm centered in that way when I'm showing up right then yeah I can have compassion on those that I'm working with and you think about compassion for uh you know let's say again an orphan in the Dominican and say if I'm I'm on a missions trip versus a coworker that I see every day and that cowork they have challenges they have problems man life is is hard yeah like even when life is good there's usually something going on where they need some help where they need some counsel they need some wisdom they just need somebody to see them and I'm saying this it's never been harder to get uh good employees right now right as there's reportedly 76 million baby boomers retiring and dying and only 45 million gen xers to step into that world that they frankly created requires 76 million people to drive this is why yeah if you're in Indiana today you might go to the subway and the owner's making the sandwich that's not why she bought this today right however it's hard for her to find some way to work right now where I'm going with this is that the places that show True compassion if they see their employees compensate them fairly I'm not even saying top dollar I'm saying if you treat them with dignity and respect compassion love you're going to retain people you're going to attract the top talent and they'll stay so not only is there a labor ship shortage there's a leadership shortage Brett it's going to be harder to keep the best and brightest or attract them in the first place and if you've got a culture where it's known for compassion hey uh your daughter's sick stay home today take care of your family we got you right places that are demonstrating that type of an ethic hey uh your husband just got transferred we'd like to find a way to retain you we'd like to actually keep you on and have you work remote comp passion right putting ourselves in their place true empathy if you will and if we can operate like that as companies we are going to attract better people and keep them for the long term which you know when you think about it how expensive is to find good talent so expensive to keep somebody I mean so a lot of companies for example where's leadership going is one of the questions here well leadership is not precious see in the 80s if you didn't like somebody to fire them and go get somebody else that is not the case right now right yes we'd better treat our people well in fact if we look at somebody that's worked The Last 5 Years and we're paying $100,000 a lot of companies are saying that person's expensive they cost us a 100 Grand a year they're looking at it wrong first of all they cost you more than that because you've got Healthcare Etc it's probably closer to 600 Grand you paid them over the last five years that's a half million dollar asset what a different way to perceive your company if you're true human resources are your greatest resources in a company you'll treat them differently and I think compassion is only part of that I love that I love that it remind me of a of a quick story I belong to a round table group here in my hometown and all business owners and and one of the uh the owners said that he did a survey with all of his co-worker or all of his employees and what's one thing they wanted more of and they all talked about mental health days and and it was funny because I have a younger guy on my team and he had a really busy week and Friday came and he said I think I need to take a mental health day and it just kind of makes me wonder because you talk about the Baby Boomers right the that generation versus the generation coming up and that generation probably if you would have heard mental health they like what and what are you talking about that's what's coming up too yeah yeah I walked uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes yeah understood suck it up but I want to get to that point again I hadn't heard that before even in my own organization I'm like I don't even know what that is um but it's starting to become you know top of Mind mental health emotional health and you talk a lot about this emotional intelligence um and I want to dive into that so in your view emotional intelligence number one I started to look at the history of that there was a book written in 1995 by Daniel Goldman called emotional intelligence and uh he said emotional intelligence is the array of skills and characteristics that Drive Leadership performance so you talk a lot about emotional intelligence I'm still a little even foggy on emotional intelligence sure so can you talk about this you know you talk about compassion I've been hearing mental health days emotional intelligence talk about how this plays such a key in in leadership and in companies I'm going to dive deep into EQ or emotional intelligence in just a moment it is one of the things that aren't going away if I could briefly touch on mental health for just a second this is a thing that's here to stay and I think part of this might even be driven by our connected uh you know Web 2.0 world where we're constantly connected we're not having a chance to be alone with our thoughts uh one of your guests quoted thorough earlier this year right most men lead lives of quiet desperation well I think today he might say most men lead lives of desperate distraction interesting I'm distracted at date night by my phone I'm distracted at the dinner table I'm distracted so here's one of the challenges with a mental health day if an employee just takes that day and just avoids everything all day everything that's causing the mental health anguish The Thorn is still there they haven't removed the thorn so if we give them a day and they just you know blast out and don't pay attention right if they just avoid that won't help them either so even a mental health their day might be good physically but but it might not have rejuvenated them so we talk a little bit about in leadership development about Rejuvenation is is different than just straight laziness if I just unplug and and grind Ted lasso all day that's not going to be nearly as good as me getting a date with my wife getting some time in the word reading my journal you know writing in my journal these type of things rejuvenate me not only do they bring me rest I would say even the biblical concept of Sabbath truly unplugging you know the concept that Shalom piece is different than just not having pain right so how can we bring some of this into the workplace and and I'll segue here a little bit because when we're talking about EQ I love Gman stuff but I'm a bit of a nerd that way I love the science of it but as soon as I start talking to the science side of EQ people's eyes Blaze over they're like I start mentioning words like amydala aong the little Walnut and I'm not a big science science guy either again when it comes to details and and even how the car runs so I'm like I don't care how it runs I just want to go to the grocery store I just wanted to go that's you know in other words now what right so thanks for all the science I know that I have a fight ORF flight Instinct I get it what do I do with that is the bigger question right so when we start dialing in with people about EQ and emotional intelligence Here's the the the basic overview I need awareness of myself how am I feeling what's my current emotional state for example and the greater degree to which I can identify that correctly that gives me a chance a shot if you will at self-regulation so if I catch myself for example we have an exercise we call Micro journaling where you have an alarm go off three times a day and you just check in and jot down my emotional state right now and I did it one time I got to work it was nine o'clock my alarm goes off what's your emotional state I'm like I'm frustrated I'm like that's crazy nothing happened yet I did my devotions I should be in a good spot right and then it hit me that one guy cut me off and I still bothered by that now this is a scenario where once I was aware of that I'm like that's stupid yes pause and pivot into I don't want to be frustrated anymore and I was good immediately sometimes it's that simple my friend his his mother just passed away so if he checks in and goes how am I feeling not great actually I feel low today I feel sad that's not a pause and pivot out of sad mourning is appropriate there right right but it's also appropriate for him to go okay well what am I going to do now well I still got to go to work today so I'm going to recognize that I'm below the line maybe distrust my gut for a little bit because I know where I can go if my gut is not in a good spot I might be misinterpreting things and I'm actually going to just play a little slower today I'm going to play hurt and that's Noble right so I'm talking about self-regulation after becoming self-aware that gives me a shot at regulating that's the Mi side of things now the better that I get at the Mi side of things the better shot I have habit recognizing that in others so when I go to start a business meeting if I walk in and I read the room which would be part of the others orientation if the room isn't right whatever is on my agenda doesn't matter they won't be able to absorb it not only is that compassionate I would just say that this is good smart business I want to be more effective as a leader so I better read that room and see what's going on maybe the group needs to vent a little bit maybe they just need to be reminded that life is actually pretty good despite our current circumstances or challenges and we can adjust that reading the room is in other words being aware of others and then my ability to influence them so there's self am I aware can I self-regulate that's where I have more control I certainly can't control others but I can influence them appropriately so if I can recognize where they're at accurately and the better I can recognize that in myself the better chance I've got of reading them well that gives me a chance of influencing them well too I used to think that the most repeated function in business was communicating so I got very good early at at like studying listening engaged listening and then speaking skills or oration giving a keynote speech from the front and the more effective I could be the more business that we would do and I was wrong because it's not the most repeated function in business the most repeated function in life is thinking true yeah before I ever speak I've got to think in fact I might even suggest what I decide to speak is wildly influenced by my ability to think well and think quickly so in terms of emotional intelligence that all of a sudden unlocks everything in leadership so I think everything in leadership starts with how I'm doing so one of our Keynotes is to lead yourself to be able to lead others if you're not leading yourself well you got no shot leading others well so I'll come up for air here Brett I'm sure you got some thoughts around this or or different rabbit trails that we should head down yeah well let's just talk about let's talk about the leaders so kind of self-regulating and leading yourself uh you talked about maybe some different tips that you've done micro journaling just kind of take an inventory of how you are feeling um you know one of the things that I went to bed last night and I was tense I had uh was working on a project and uh was thinking about it it was in my mind my wheels were turning and and I hate going to bed like that and I'm having trouble sleeping and I took an inventory I'm like this is not going to help me how do I how do I de you know deescalate or deregulate the self-regulate these thoughts so you talked about some tips so let's go back to that micro journaling micro journaling is one of those so here's I would just go old school journaling in that moment we call it the parking lot mhm cuz your beautiful brain is designed to work through that stuff well some of those aren't going to be fixed before we go to bed so and my wife will she really in particular I think all of us do this but there's a certain group of us that their brainer uh the CVI or core values index calls them the innovators and their brains are designed to not only solve for x but YZ and all the way back through a again right because their brains are constantly working through it how do we shut that machine off what I recommend that was is that we ask ourselves questions so if I can write down and parking lot the things that are swarming my brain all the things in The Ether in the EQ World they call it um getting linear you get linear two ways you can get linear with your thoughts by writing them out or by talking them through so sometimes you'll you'll call a buddy like hey I'm stuck and you explain the problem as soon as you're done explain like wait I got it the guy's like you're welcome he didn't do anything he just listened but you got linear with your thoughts and you give your brain a chance to catch up and it works through sometimes your brain does solve for x in your sleep but that's not usually great for Quality sleep so if we can parking lot those things in the journal and then end that journaling session with what can I do now to have a great night sleep what can I do to turn this over for me journaling is prayer so I'll be like Father what do you want here while I'm worried about this I know you're way more interested in this than I am and if I'm trusting you I'm asking you for Shalom sleep peace sleep tonight what could I do to get prepared for that sometimes it's the hot bath so I'm saying there's actual physical things the little lavender apparently works great and if I could do some things maybe a little melatonin or something to have a better pre-sleep ritual I've got a better shot but I wouldn't try any of that without the journaling piece which is to actually go through that exercise not ignore that it's a thing but acknowledge it's a thing and acknowledge also that I need sleep right now and that this will be waiting for me in the morning exactly when I get back to the parking lot exactly obviously you've talked about journaling and some guys don't they feel like maybe they don't know how to journal you talked about maybe asking questions maybe you have a prayer Journal um some people has said A Grateful Journal is there a certain way that you Journal where guys might just be like y I checked off my box I journaled but it doesn't it doesn't doing anything for them right yeah so you know journaling I like to compare to eating so there's there's times where I just need to have a power bar and food is fuel baby so I think there's times where I'm not super engaged but this is a good book and I want to capture it for later so even if there's not an emotional Epiphany with the notes I just wrote that matters I know but if I'm just checking a box I know that that's good healthy habit right I don't have to feel awesome about having just brushed my teeth I know that that's a good thing to do right so there's times where just journaling like that there's times where journaling is moved by the spirit and you're fired up or in the depths of Despair and both a lot of times because those are so emotionally charged people that do journals sometimes feel like hey if I don't feel that way maybe it's not time to journal right I'm suggesting if again if it's eating that's kind of those are extremes those are like Banquets or a wedding you know where it's like oh this great food and not every meal is that right some meals are Power Bars some meals are some meals are full tasting menus though all right so if I'm journaling for my goals or dreams for the future or dreams for my children we've got three kids that are basically all adults the youngest the baby's graduating from high school this year but for me to journal that through and and document dreams hopes fears even but put them all down so that I've got them then there's times where it's like I just just try to check in with self and I want to be smarter so if I'm aware I've got a shot so I try to raise my awareness and self- Coach right we'll talk more about Executive coaching in a second but I can self- coach I can pause and say what just happened the analogy that I use is the maps app on my phone and whether I'm Google or or apple as soon as I open up that map app it's looking for me and it drops a blue dot that blinks at least on my app right and that blue dot is where I am and that matters because if I want to get directions to the red pin I need to know where I'm starting from so in journaling I'll pause and if you saw my journals they would say wjh a lot of the time in the beginning of the entry that stands for what just happened and I laugh because I always get the question what do you mean what just happened like what just happened this morning what just happened today what just happened this year and you already know the answer Brett yes answer's yes yeah hey wherever your brain goes I actually trust that God is directing my brain in that moment and I'm going to think on that timeline so yeah we're recording this deep into November here it's hard to not think about in terms of the year that was 2023 and Peak a little bit into 2024 because there's there's two things that you'd see in my journal what just happened and what's gonna happen now as a guy I typically need to have a qualifier with that because if I ask what just happened I don't know about you Brett I typically list facts yeah right I've got a bunch of facts and I have to go deeper and say well how do I feel about these facts hey we there hit our sales number nice hey we lost a client I don't don't love that hey but we added three more and I'm really excited about that right so I need to do both what just happened what's the circumstances and how do I feel about that if there's something that's super negative I might need to process that sometimes it's a relational issue and I need to go and work through something with somebody yeah but because I'm aware now I've got a shot other times I'm like dude I am in an amazing spot right now is it possible that life has never been sweeter than right now now Brett that could have been real whether I journaled or not but how tragic is it if it's real and I'm not even aware of it and I don't even Express gratitude to the maker the Creator that gave me a great gift in this season you and I have both had seasons were're in the valley so if you're on the Mountaintop pause and celebrate that give some gratitude give some thanks in all circumstances yes but it's you know pretty awesome in that moment yes I will say this too the what's gonna happen and how do I want to feel about that because certain things I've got anxiety about or I'm worried about and I don't want to feel that so how do I want to feel about some things that are coming I want to feel not anxious I want to feel peace well how could I get there and that's where again I'm just teasing out that prayer so in journaling then what I'm talking about is becoming more aware and the journal just I don't have a better tool to get people more aware of what they're thinking to capture more of those emotional snapshots frankly there's a legacy piece of this Brett where my kids are aware that dad's got a whole shelf of journals that they'll get to look at someday and you know when you think about the warrior dad that was on a few weeks ago Jeff Wilkerson you know a legacy like being able to hand my kids a journal where they go Dad I knew you were up against it there I didn't know how much and for them for me to show my work if you will for them to see my prayer like I am up against it I am toast without my God coming in and rescuing me here and then seeing how to do life like that is so valuable because we tend to put our parents up on a on a pedestal so you know what I'm driving at here's the value of journaling then it makes us smarter it gives us greater context it helps us figure out where we're at ease where we're at disease what we need to do it gives me a better chance of lining up my new behaviors with my core values not with how I'm feeling in the moment I love that my margins are too tight right now for me to rely on anything like I need every Advantage I can get I don't know about you Brett no yes yes and you mentioned Jeff uh there was on the podcast a while back and the warrior dad and uh something that you know he he's talked about is you talked about identity um so a lot of times here's what we do we feel something so we either act or don't act based on how we feel and if you flip that around again we're sons of the high King like we know who we are our identity equals our action which then will equal typically how we feel at the end so we need to turn it around identity equals action and if you if you combine those and that'll equal how you feel instead of just doing how you feel right all the time so that's something I've been like working so you talk about journaling you say you know what you just do it and sometimes you don't feel like it or don't but you know it's good for you just like eating yeah you back in the day I I was at bible college and I saw a track that was describing the decision train and it showed decision action and feelings were driving the train which I think would describe most of us so the engine was feelings if I feel good I'll do the right actions and then I'll make some new decisions right the problem with that and I here's what's great I talk about this with secular audiences and they love this feelings drive my actions well what's the problem with that if that's your sop you cannot rely on feelings I don't care who you are I don't care how blessed you feel today you're not always going to feel like this right there are Valley moments we cannot rely on feelings they fade they Fleet they float they flit if we're relying on feelings to drive our behaviors we got no shot right we're GNA fall down right one of the things that that uh Jeff was talking about was he was saying that uh I would describe that more of as a role right he was using that as identity because I this is my core value here's what I'm going to Doh actually I would suggest there that he's not relying on feelings to drive the train at all he's reversed the train so his decisions his commitments his values then are driving those behaviors and then guess what happens the feelings follow right so one of the questions I notic you were thinking about asking today is how what's a practical example of this working out years ago and I'm talking way back uh my wife and I we got young kids at the time we're trying to go see Avatar when it was big so that's how far back we're going right Avatar is like such a long movie anyway we have this fight and I can't even remember what it was about but I was upset I we had the babysitter show up and I was upset I was considering sending the babysitter home and I thought to myself I was like dude do not escalate this do not ruin date night but I was mad and I needed to show her so we went on date night but I wasn't going to like it so I didn't talk to her in the car I walked up to the theater I bought the ticket but it didn't like speak speak to her or make eye contact I gave her the ticket I walked right by the popcorn which I knew she would stop for and I sat down by myself what a great date night day and my wife thats fun she finds me she sits down I'm like all right good at least that's good half hour into the movie I calm down and like the Angel and the devil on the shoulder conversation happens Angel's going you're ruining date night this is not you you need to be more humble dude the devil's going but I'm mad and I've earned it and I want to be mad know right yes the Angel's going dude do not ruin this so I H my held held my hand out she grabbed it we reconciled we were able to talk it through at California Pizza Kitchen later and reconcile it was a great night I'm sure it was amazing however if I let my feeling Drive the train I cancel date night and we miss out on that yeah right completely right and instead this is just one microcosm of no no no I need to make sure I do the right thing even if I don't feel like it and frankly when we talk about leadership unless for functioning that way there's no way we can have a long-term Legacy right no that is true that is true I love that well uh Trent as we kind of wh back and wrap up this particular show I know that uh you have been a pastor at one time in your life you've done some different roles but now you're actually in this role as a coach as an executive coach you do some speaking as well and you're coaching up leaders and uh one of the question that I would love to have for you obviously you know you're in this particular role but even me so I own a business I do some Ministry things I have four children trying to lead my family wife um I just want to be a better man I want to be a good leader I want to grow consistently I feel like things where I've stalled out is because I just decided not to do things that that help me grow so I want to be better I want to grow as a leader there's a lot of different things that I could do um could be masterminding could be I could go to therapy I could go to counseling um I could meet with my pastor or I could hire a coach talk to me about this Executive coaching and um you know what have you seen there that has really had some breakthrough to help guys yeah get unstuck or just to help consistently grow in their life I love the way he phrased that even getting unstuck because that is really the job description for the coach is help them get unstuck by asking asking good questions so let me take it further uh a friend of mine that I'd known from a previous company starts up a new one and he's asking me he knows I'm the leadership development guy cut go still and he goes hey what's the Tony Robbins seminar what's the book what's the workshop what's the what's the thing yeah to send my people to they're they have taleeed to ramp them up quickly because we're a startup and I can't afford somebody that's already arrived mhm I said to him what you're asking for does not exist in book or Workshop form what you're talking about is coaching the consistency and the constancy of helping them think not thinking for them not telling them what to do it's not bringing in a consultant this is asking good questions of basically people who are relatively healthy and whole people who want to grow and want to go deeper but what an amazing world when all of a sudden your employees are all entrepreneurially considering how to level up at their job and also they've got a coach that they can talk things through if things aren't great at home they can talk that through with the coach too there a happy healthy employees going to get better work done that's what the studies are saying don't even take our word for it so the idea that coaching then helps the those individuals in the company improve and get smarter it's also sustainable because we're asking questions primarily questions and let me just delineate for a second I say do all those things meet with your pastor pray with them about your goals me with the counselor counseling is 80% past 20% future we need that I am not done counseling I can't wait to unpack stuff from that Old ratty box and put it into a new clear bin there's less stuff when I talk it through with a licensed therapist awesome coaching's the flip side of that it's 80% future and only 20% past so we've got context now I would say there's a third side there which is mentoring now mentoring would require that I've got some experience in your world so if I'm a dad I don't have to have a lot more experience than you if I'm a little further up the road and I think I got a few years on you I can ask and ask good mentoring questions in that place and I would say what we're doing at veritos leadership group is kind of the hybrid so pure coaching is supposed to be only questions so if somebody presented a scenario where they're saying uh hey Brett here's what I'm thinking am I crazy that coach might then ask more questions about well let's talk about why you think that would be crazy right or what's that coming from we don't do that we're not doing a mind job on somebody I'm like Brett not only are you not crazy your process is good we've worked through all the blind spots and we've talked about what contingencies could be there if this is the wrong the wrong move this is your plan for your goal and it's good go brother in fact when you start it send me a picture I'm gonna high five you you described a little bit of his accountability right part of the benefit of having a coach yes they're waving the pom poms is celebrating those wins and for a lot of the preneurs that we're working with we found a bit of a niche within uh independent financial advisors anywhere from 50 to 300 million assets under management these are usually small shops they're usually not 20 people they're usually under 10 for employees but most of these brilliant uh financial advisers they're not around a lot they travel a ton they've got money so they can and but that means that their leadership development is stagnating usually so what we do is we come in and we're asking good questions of all the people through the organization really especially strengthening the integrator the right-hand person and the Visionary so we can get that Visionary talking with her right-hand person that's going to make them better and the whole system improves when you talk about breakthroughs man so one of the first guys I started working through was working evenings and weekends great brother from the church financial advisor I think he went from about 30 million to about I probably shouldn't report but basically let's call it for intents and purposes doubling in the five years went from one employee that was probably not in the right seat on the bus if you know what I'm saying to now he's got four in fact that one employees's spun out a whole separate business with the guy doesn't work more than 40 hours a week lots of time with his four daughters um never works evenings and weekends it's all during the day with few exceptions at this point and has basically quadrupled his income wow I know because I have I've had people because coaching is expensive people go they get the sticker shock they're like hey what if we spent all this money on our people and they leave I said we're asking the wrong question what if you don't and they stay it's true the upset opportunity here is to invest into your number one resource to make them better yeah and the fact is that the coaching is asking them questions their progress that they make is theirs so then people get curious well you're still coaching some people after five years what happens when you teach them everything that you've learned first of all I'm always reading and listening to new podcasts like iron you know amen iron deep so I'm going deeper for myself but also we just ask better questions of more sophisticated level right sometimes it is all right hey I'm getting towards the sunsetting years how do I transition this well yeah how do I leave the Legacy here how do I make sure that our people are wealthy and happy and whole you know yes so the point is I think coaching is gonna be the great equalizer going forward yeah amen and that's the the seasons are always changing I mean you know our lives changed you go from young kids to to teenagers now they're out I go from a start business to you know midsize business now we have a lot of assets what do we do with that yeah it's always changing and the seasons are always changing so again I think one of the biggest mistakes if I haven't if I can give any tip is just when I uh just stopped growing when I stopped reading when I stopped um being self-aware and I was like oh I've made it I've you know I'm going to just sit back and relax and be comfortable and uh that's just not um what leaders and I don't think that's what God calls to do we call it green and growing man you got to be green and growing and this is one of the challenges again with the coaching aspect of that twice a month your employees are going to at least have 24 times this year where they pause and think our program has them actually journaling during the off weeks so four times a month they're pausing to Pivot into what is getting them success what does success look like how do I level up that consistency and constancy moves people forward again anybody can go to a seminar and be fired up up anybody can read a book and then forget it it's the accountability combined with right uh co-creating what their future should look like that's what sets coaching apart and that's what I think you're going to see coaching continue to grow it'll eventually probably be regulated I would imagine in this country even uh as it continues to grow because there's a lot of weird out there that's the other part yeah you know anybody right now can hang a shingle and call themselves a coach so what we are trying to do is get more good quality Christian coaches in many cases other cases they're just really wise people and get them in front of others that's awesome well Trent I thank you so much for your wisdom today there was so many things that we didn't really get to dive in so maybe at a future date we can have you back on you know you talk about relational wisdom I want to dive into that further as well but uh we're at time today but thank you so much for being on the ird podcast wish you wish you the best and I want to make sure I put your information in our show notes what does that look like as far as someone's interested in Consulting coaching Veritas talk to us about that absolutely if they go to Veritas leadership you'll see a way to be able to see not only more content to go a little bit deeper there's other podcasts that I've guessed it on there you can check that out and see if we are possibly a fit there is also a link to schedule 25 minute call with me and that's an invitation to any of your listeners there I would love to connect with them and just hear what they thought about the this podcast and a sign of a great host by the way is that yeah we didn't get to all the questions you prepared today but we went deep, and probably I would assume that the ones we needed to hit. is probably the best way uh Trent booth on all social media platforms uh except for Snapchat I just couldn't figure that one out Brett, but everything else: Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook... Let's go All right sounds good. We'll definitely put that in our show notes on our YouTube channel and our website so thanks so much Trent for being on the podcast today! Wish you the best buddy! -Thanks for having me, Brett. Appreciate it