Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

How To Overcome The Lies About Money And Work That Keep Us Trapped With Jeff Lerner

Our Western systems have told us what to do to be successful, but more people are in greater debt and harder situations than ever before.

Our Western systems have told us what to do to be successful, but more people are in greater debt and harder situations than ever before.

What we're told to do to 'get ahead' is not true anymore. We've been lied to about money, debt, and jobs which is keeping us enslaved in a rat-race.

Jeff Lerner learned how to escape the money-trap and the time stealers that are being pitched to us and our children as the American Dream. Going from a high-school drop-out musician to an incredibly successful entrepreneur and now founder of The Entre Institute, Jeff now helps teach and empower others to not get caught in the traps of a broken system, but rather, be freed to live their fullest lives by tapping into their fullest gifts and potentials. Jeff Lerner is the author of the WSJ Best-Seller "Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Your Dream Life in the Modern World." It's a #2 Best-Seller, second to Atomic Habits. Like in his book, Jeff shares with Brett incredible information and reformative perspectives that can help you and your family find better paths of success in life.


How To Overcome The Lies About Money And Work That Keep Us Trapped With Jeff Lerner

Frankly the American Dream is basically dead for the average person. Like you do what you're supposed to do, you're a good little boy or girl that does what they were told, and you go to school, and you get good grades, and you go to college, and you take on debt, and you do all the things where you're told that road leads isn't where it leads in the modern world. We've got kids following a program that is not remotely headed where they think it is based on what we're allowing them to believe because of how it used to be 50 or 100 years ago.

What's going on, we're with our guest on today's podcast Mr Jeff Lerner from Entre Institute. What's going on Jeff?

-Oh man, everything. Glad to be here thanks Brett.

-Yeah man, super excited for this podcast episode. Jeff from the Entre Institute is teaching entrepreneurs all over the country, all over the world, about how to be better entrepreneurs, better leaders, better husbands, better leaders in their family, and has written a book "Unlock Your Potential." Which you know was right there number two bestseller next to Atomic Habits I hear, so congratulations on that!

-Thank you. Yes and I will especially say congratulations are in order to James Clear, because we were a... we were a brand new title that... you know, peaked at number two. He was gosh he's been... he's been at the number one spot on that list for like four years straight or something. So good good for both of us, I guess.

-Yes! No, definitely definitely. Well I know I got the kindle version. I was really reading through that the last week. Amazing book: "Unlock Your Potential" and I really just want to kind of crack that book open, Unlock Your Potential. And I want to maybe... What gave you the inspiration for this book? Because what... are you seeing? I mean you deal with entrepreneurs from all areas all over the world, and you're obviously seeing something... with entrepreneurs and their own Journey about are they able to tap into their potential and why not...

-Yeah so let me... let me sort of take a step back. Really be clear about my... who I serve, and how I serve, and what I believe in doing so. My basic goal in life is to make entrepreneurship doable. And not just doable, but like the best choice for everyone. Or at least for anyone. For anyone that... and you know if you say like let's let's slice the world into a few sections we would say okay on the one hand you've got young people no attachments hopefully not even any debt maybe they haven't done College yet and they're like well what do I want to do with my life and it's very easy to counsel that person oh well before you go get a job and spend the next 50 years trying to save for retirement trading all your time for someone else's money to you know make the value of their stock go up try your own thing right it's easy to tell that person that and they maybe they'd try it for a few years and maybe they succeed or maybe they don't and then you know but they always have kind of a backup plan of like well I'll just end up getting a job right and then on the flip side you have let's say people that are typically in their 50s maybe 60s a very small percentage of those people who have enough money in savings and enough industry experience in some industry in the world and enough of a network and enough of a perspective where it's like hey I'm at the point in my career where I think I want to go out on my own I I'm gonna take a sabbatical I'll give myself two years to try to start my own thing and become an entrepreneur and do that right so those are the two groups to whom you would not say oh entrepreneurship sounds like a bad idea in fact it sounds like it could be a good thing for you and then you have everybody in the middle who's like got a job probably got a spouse or a partner got you know commitments maybe got kids got a mortgage got a car payment and they have no time they they have no time yeah their life is already filled to the brim with what isn't working and isn't making them happy and isn't getting them down the road where they want to go and how is that person like the reality is entrepreneurship is probably the best option for most people in the world to have the life they want but because of the life they have most people perceive it as too risky and and frankly they're right statistically and so my mission in this world is because I I live a life where because I was that young person who recognized that I didn't really want what the world was offering me I didn't want to get a job I didn't I was I I I dubbed myself psychologically unemployed able from a very young age I read Ein Rand in high school and I was ruined Forever on ever submitting to someone else's plan for my life I wanted to be my own independent empowered person I went I dropped out of high school to pursue my dreams as an artist I was a jazz musician that was hard I started businesses I intentionally didn't have kids because I didn't want to tether myself to a a level of financial responsibility that would make it irresponsible to be so avowedly independent and so fast forward to the age 39 you know I was married I was I I did have kids I had an amazing marriage I was in the best shape of my life I just sold my you know fourth successful business and my 15th overall business um I was basically retired at 39 years old so like I had this this life and it wasn't just that I was financially prosperous it was like my wife and I did tons of therapy and we built a great marriage frankly out of the ashes of a terrible marriage we were able to build a great marriage because we got help and not just we got help because we could afford therapy and but actually like we'd go to therapy for an hour and then we'd get out of therapy and instead of me being like okay babe I got to get back to work my boss is going to be wondering where I am because I was a business owner I'd be like hey why don't we drive around for two hours and practice what we just learned right and so I had a level of not just Financial autonomy but time autonomy and and and even just a sense of like being in control of my own life that ultimately physically personally professionally led me to a place that by 39 years old I was like I'm really blessed and the rest of the world is struggling so much and they don't they don't have access or or maybe they have access but they can't realistically justify taking the leap to try entrepreneurship even though I know what life could look like if they did and so you ask what sparked the book honestly what I just said that I call it the entrepreneurial dilemma this idea that entrepreneurship is the unlock for people's quality of life that they want but because of the life that they have it's too risky to try it that is the Catalyst for everything that I do now in my life because entrepreneurship doesn't just give you a a way to make money that is 11 times more likely to make you a millionaire statistically it also gives you a vehicle in which you can challenge yourself and grow in every single aspect of your life because the best entrepreneur version of you is actually the best version of you as a leader as a value Creator as a team Builder as a communicator as all the things that that create your entire quality of life not just your bank account obviously you're inspiring hundreds if not thousands if not millions of people to really look at entrepreneurship uh wherever season that they're at because I can really relate to that young person I mean I was exactly like you where I started my entrepreneurship Journey before uh I was married before I had the family I'm 43 uh now and I'm trying to ask myself uh uh yeah would I would I have the guts uh in order to do that and uh would I be able to take the risk uh to do that during this particular season of my life if I hadn't done it before um what would you say to someone in that season of particular life right now maybe someone's just listening and they listen to this particular podcast because they're really interested in business but they have all of these different things no time all these responsibilities obligations uh that they have to you know take care of so first I mean everybody's got to make their own decision about what's what's The Prudent choice for their life my but I am going to give some really really helpful insight for a person that's trying to make that decision or or ask that question and I will say I mean so professionally I'm the founder of Entre Institute and we've had 275,000 students in in a little over four years that have bought some sort of course to introduce them to the entrepreneurial option for life and all the things that that you can put in place in your life to to reduce the risk and increase the probability of success and that's what Entre is a platform for it's not like we're not like why combinator where it's like oh if you've got an idea and you want to come you know incubate your idea and will help you build out your pitch deck and go raise money from angels to seed your thing like that's not what Entre is Entre is for the millions of people that they don't have an idea they just have a a life that's down that's headed down a path of that they can see isn't where they were isn't where they want to go and it isn't where they were told they would be going like that's that's what's underneath this is this great tragedy that I call the broken system where frankly the American dream is is basically dead for the average person like you do what you're supposed to do you're a good little boy or girl that does what they were told and you go to school and you get good grades and you go to college and you take on debt and you get a job and you climb the ladder and you get a 30-year mortgage and you get a two-car garage and you do all the things and where you are where you think you're where where you're told that road leads isn't where it leads in the modern world now I mean this is why every Walmart you know what the most the most competitive job at Walmart is greeter greeter because the world is full of 75 and 80 year olds that are too old to get any other jobs and they're too poor to retire yeah so that that road is that that path is a lie like you are being lied to we are lying to our kids now and we're doing it implicitly we're doing it suggestively we're doing it vaguely and opaquely in a way that we can like you know deflect the responsibility but we all know that we've got kids following a program that is not remotely headed where they think it is based on what we're allowing them to believe because of how it used to be 50 or 100 years ago what entra is trying to do is say look I don't care where you are in this world we're going to show you the alternative path and we're going to tell you what are the pitfalls of that path that that nobody else is telling you because everybody else in the online entrepreneurial education space is trying to ignore that those pitfalls exist and just convince you that it's going to be fast it's going to be easy it's going to be TurnKey you are not the variable in your own success as long as you buy the right program or subscribe to the right system or or use the right business model or follow the right Guru then it'll all be done for you and it'll just magically make money and then that never pans out and that's why the whole industry has such a bad reputation and so what we've done and this by the way I came out of that industry you know like I said I was a jazz musician I was broke I was I actually injured my wrist I couldn't even play gigs anymore back in 2008 I had started other attempted to start other brick-and-mortar more traditional businesses I was in a ton of debt I was getting my second divorce like my life was at a rock bottom and I discovered the modern Digital World of of call it modern entrepreneurship and I was able to turn my life around and I was in that space for five or six years from 2008 to 2012 so I guess five years and I finally left the online business space because I was so disgusted by the failure rate and not just the failure rate like it's okay I mean you could say that like well you know football has the same failure rate because 99.9% of kids that play football don't make the NFL like it's it's okay if things are statistically improbable and people still go after them but it was an entire industry that was basically based around pretending these problems in these realities didn't exist and it and it ended up becoming a one-upsmanship game of like who can make the hyp claim the the the the scam or promise who can trick more people into buying into something that sounds too good to be true because it is rather than saying look if you decide to take the path of Entrepreneurship here are the actual challenges you're going to face and let's actually help you solve them and and and and let's lead with the truth and I have it tattooed on my arm right here don't wish it was easier wish you were better the truth is the entrepreneurial path is available to anyone who's willing to develop themselves to be good enough to actually travel it the world wants you to believe that you're already good enough to get where you want to go as long as you just follow the rules and conform to the American dream you know system path and so now that that lie has been exposed which is the you asked about the book I wrote that book basically to expose that lie I I knew that I had to get Beyond My Little World of online business and go out to the mainstream and say listen I'm going to explain to you why the system is broken I'm explain to you why the education system the employment system and the retirement system are basically this collusion to trick you out of the best years of your life and get you to trade all that time for other people's value and get to the end and by then it's too late and you have nothing left to do except desperately cling to your 401k because you're out of options like I I wanted to call that all out yeah but so so so let me tell you can apply for Walmart too and yeah exactly yeah I me at least Walmart is the one place and what's I well apparently the two jobs where you can be really old and scile and still get hired are greeter at Walmart and president of the United States um but there's only one opening for that and it takes your whole life to apply for it yeah I did and I don't I don't care because that guy's a just a a geriatric nightmare that's leading our country into laughable lunacy but I digress um and I have no strong opinions on that subject but anyways uh you asked about okay what what advice would I give that's where this this rant started with a question so let me let me answer that I wouldn't say to somebody hey you should or should not go try entrepreneurship I would I would probably first ask them is there any path in your life that isn't entrepreneurship that you actually viably see going to where you want to be nine out of 10 people that answer is no therefore de facto okay consider entrepreneurship but then if you do what are you actually going to be up against and and most people immediately their minds go to the Tactical right okay well well tell me how it's going to work what am I going to do and they think like oh well maybe I struggle with computers or I don't really know much about marketing or I don't know like I don't like social media and Facebook seems scary and I don't want to go deal with all that or they immediately go to kind of like the the Practical aspects almost like the mechanics that's not what trips people up the three things that we have figured out that trip people up and that entra is basically built to support people in overcoming what the first is a concept we call positional awareness think of all the different things you could do with your time in your life and let's say one is I can go work more hours at my job two is I can go play with my kids three is I can go to the gym four is I can practice my guitar or what you know whatever P five is I can read a book and six is I can work on building a business the first five pictures are all very clear you have you you can see what they look like in your mind you have some sense of how of what it looks like to get better at those things like as a you know with books we get the tangible the tangible reinforcement that like I'm turning Pages I'm making progress right with the guitar it's like oh well yesterday I couldn't play that lick but today it feels a little bit easier like we get that tangible sense of progress building a business when the reality of building a business and you know this as an entrepreneur is that net profit it is like the lagging indicator of progress like it's the last thing that happens when you build a business there's 150 things you have to do that might take six months or might take six years before you have all this net profit to show it's like a hockey stick curve right yeah and so how do people know how they're doing how do people even know if they're on a on the right path how do people know if they're in the right business how do people and this is why franchises are so attractive because everything is laid out step by step paint by number and people are so excited to have a a a a road map of progress that they get into these things where it's like hey you're not going to make any money for the first five years like let's take owning a McDonald's you're gonna need to you know first of all you already have to have a million I think it's now a$2 million net worth and you're going to need to borrow $750,000 and you're going to spend the first five years paying off the bank loans but because it's a system you can at least see the progress and so you'll stay in the game holding on for that sixth year year when you can make your $100,000 which is about what the average McDonald's owner makes per year in net profit right but so but as soon as you get into modern entrepreneurship like oh I'm going to set up an agency or I'm G to build a you know a homebased sales business or I'm going to become an influencer I'm going to become a content creator or I'm gonna you know become an affiliate marketer I'm gonna sell I'm G to create a Shopify store and do e-commerce like there's all these cool business models but because you don't have a road map of progress people people like there they Short Circuit halfway through the process and the best thing I can compare it to is if you set if you set sale from Portugal searching for the new world and the only way you have to know if you're heading in the right direction is looking off the front of the boat watching for land but you're not going to see it for three months the odds are sometime in the next three months after day after day of not seeing land you're just going to freak out and turn around and go home yeah so that's the first thing that gets people is positional awareness yeah yeah because they get just so discouraged you're like I don't see l well and it's not just their own it's not just their own inner voice it's the people around them right hey how do you know this is working how do you know you're not wasting your time hey you I see you dropped out of our bowling league because now you're spending every night working on your homebased business like how's that going and you you don't know what to tell them what are you g to say like well it's been 47 days and I don't have any visible signs of progress but I believe I believe you know they're going to laugh at you right so other people reinforce the absence of positional awareness and people freak out the second thing is most people's lives are already filled to the brim with what isn't working so they're going to what now it's I think of as like a farm if if you've already got a 100% of your Fields planted with crops and the crop yield is not enough to pay the mortgage on the land and your idea is okay I just need to plant more crops I need I need a new type of crop instead of corn I'm gonna plant soybeans but there's no empty field yeah there's nowhere to plant the soybeans much less learn how to farm soybeans much less harvest the soybeans and sell the soybeans because your tractor and your fields and your labor it's all tied up with what you're already doing your corn crop right so you've got to actually have a way to create more time and more energy in your life and to be clear it's not just time it's the energy to utilize the new time because squeezing a couple hour extra hours in at the end of the day doesn't matter if you're if you're already exhausted yeah you've got to have like you've got to like re-engineer your whole life to create it's it's like taking a 100 acres of crops and and figuring out how to condense it into 80 acres so that you have 20 20 phow acres to plant a new crop and learn a new way to harvest and it's a whole new type of farming people get ahead themselves and most people don't most people don't understand the ener the energy piece because what they do is they might just say Well when the kids go to bed or whatever I'm going to stay up for a couple of hours and and that doesn't work that's a disaster and they start drinking caffeine your nutrition goes down they gain a bunch of weight yeah you're right it's a downward spiral right and your wife and your wife is popping in going honey when are you coming to bed like and you start feeling this like negative pressure like I'm my my family is suffering and I can't I don't have anything to show for it yeah and and yet and it's like the tragedy is that if you'll just persevere like I love the book thinking Grow Rich it opens with the story of Ru Darby who's digging for gold and he gives up and he sells all his equipment because he again he had no positional awareness he had no clue if he was close to the vein or not and and he ends up getting frustrated selling his equipment and it turned out he was only 3 feet from gold MH from the biggest gold vein in history and this that's like a true story right that's most people throwing in the towel halfway through their online business Journey because their W they're sick of hearing their wife nag at them because they never come to bed anymore right yeah and they didn't know what to say or how to prove otherwise to themselves or their spouse and so anyway that's the second thing is time and money or sorry time and energy first is positional awareness second is time and energy and the third is actually having the communication skills the leadership skills the confidence the salesmanship the the compelling vision for your life to be able to enroll the people around you in actually being excited about what you're doing and excited about making the sacrifice with you and and part of that is the positional awareness piece but also it's like you should your family actually should be excited if you if you go to your family and say Hey listen I've got two paths here one is I'm going to work for the next 40 years I'm going to miss a lot of my kids stuff I'm not going to have enough money to retire but yeah I don't know at least at least our friends won't think we're crazy because we're doing what everybody else does and the other path is hey maybe for the next five years we're going to have to make some some eccentric sacrifices some sacrifices that are not the norm of how people live like we might have to stop our you know visiting our neighbors so much and hanging out and doing poker night or game night we might have to cut back on vacations we might have to you know whatever whatever those sacrifices are going to be but 10 years from now we could be retired we could be multimillionaires we could have an asset producing passive cash flow we could have an asset that has $20 million in in realizable Enterprise Value that we can borrow against to fund life insurance policies that pay you know endless dividends and secure our family and we could own real estate and cash flow and like there's this whole other picture like all if there was equal confidence in both PA both paths everybody would opt for the second but because of these other issues the lack of positional awareness the lack of available time and energy to make it work and the lack of ability to enroll the family and the support structure into excitement about the vision and to keep them enrolled over time even as it gets hard those are the three things that knock people out of the game and basically keep people trapped inside a system that is draining their their life and their time and their energy for someone else's benefit and it's and honestly it's a tragedy and I'm willing I have decided that I'm going to devote the rest of my life to solving it or like honestly I'll die trying because like what what the hell else am I gonna do I I was retired five years ago you know my at 39 like and and if the first half of my life was about getting myself in a good spot then the second half of my life is going to be about getting other people in a good spot I love that I love that so you know you really just been talking about just this entrepreneurial mindset uh tackling the outdated thinking patterns and uh look having people really just look at their life where they want to go uh and is it worth it in the next few years to sacrifice for that I want to really talk about because one of the things I've noticed about you you talked about 39 selling your business but you also were at a an extremely great spot in your own life you in the best shape of your life your family was good your marriage was good you even talk about on some of your other um podcast and shows is about how your marriage has Amplified your business you talk about this balanced success and I don't even want to go into you know this work life balance or whatever but I want you to to dig because I think you have maybe a different perspective on that anyways about this you know your family getting behind you rooting for you your mayor is amplifying your business how have you been able to get everything because what I've seen is it's this teeter totter of men if they're successful in business their personal relationships and their and their family suffers if they're successful in their family their business suffers I want you to talk to the men out there right now about this what what did you see and what have you done in your own life to get this success on both angles yeah so I'm going to challenge the the the perspective perhaps that a lot of people have on that question which is that if if it feels like let's call it Zero Sum if it feels like increasing work success means decreasing personal life success And/or vice versa that's not that's not a like a an ontological reality that's not just a thing that is true about life frankly that's a lack of leadership and enrollment skills and it's and I would say it's a it's a it's a lack of of sufficiently expansive vision for your life because or you might just have crappy Partners I you know I mean there there are some men out there who sadly just picked badly and they don't have a spouse that's going to be excited you know spouse has too much of their own stuff they haven't dealt with that they're never going to be excited about a really expansive compelling vision for their life because everything in their life is a construct to protect their insecurities and and keep their supply for their unmet needs and they're going to try to enslave their spouse into that and they're never going to support their spouse into something that isn't that like that is a reality but honestly if you don't ask the right questions you're never going to get the real answers and so that might be the question is like what's really going on here and it might take years of therapy to unpack that but like as opposed to what as opposed to everybody lying to themselves for 50 years until they die filled with regret like everything is worse than whatever it takes to get to the truth so that said assuming that you're in a marriage that has like the fundamental reciprocity and like base level of confidence to support like a compelling vision for a life then if you're not in that if you're in that that Zero Sum like you said teer taught space that's you haven't enrolled the people around you in understanding what the point of the sacrifice is that together you're building something bigger more impactful for the world and that everybody's going to be a lot more excited about the older they get so so so when you understand the stages of life and I don't want to Veer down like a a pure you know developmental psychology rabbit hole but I'll just I I'll encourage everyone to go Google Eric Ericson's stages of psychosocial development and don't even worry about the I mean there's there's there's tons of gold in them Hills if you want to mind the whole thing but but I encourage you to look at at the last two stages so from 40 to 65 the fundamental conflict that every human being is trying to resolve is called generativity verse stagnation and it's basically did I did did I matter am I generating in creating value that has meaning in the world or or have I stagnated where frankly it doesn't really matter if I di I I really don't have that much value in the grand scheme of things and that's where the midlife crisis comes from the midlife crisis is the is the point where we go from you know having life be more about relationships to life being about meaning and we're going to spend the average person who lives into their early 80s now is going to spend the majority of their life in the last two stages which are generativity versus stagnation which is basically did I add value to the world and then finally it's going to be integrity versus despair which is did I truly live in alignment with who I was or did I TR did I give up who I was for someone else's program in which case my life ends in Despair and when you understand that the bulk of your life the largest chunk of your life is going to be spent in those two phases then when you're younger or even if you're older because everybody matriculates through these stages at different at different times you start really asking different questions and I think when you ask that question and you say hey the key to life the key to if you want to put it in maslo terms the key to self-actualization that Pinnacle of human need or if you want to put it in Tony Robbins terms the needs of spirit are growth and contribution according to Tony Robbins model of personality and and I could I mean I've done a lot of psychology study like I could take you through the work of Adler I could take you through the work of Ellis I could take you through the word of Victor Frankle the work of Victor Frankle and all these different psychologists it all ultimately comes down to you will spend the majority the the latter stage of your life re Reckoning with whether or not you meant anything whether or not you mattered and whether or not you are in alignment with who you truly were and all the other things that you think matter more when you're young are just a distraction and a deception and in that context you've got to develop the ability to enroll your family into wanting a powerful answer to that question and understanding that together you're in a better position to powerfully create the answer to that question than any of you operating alone and you go have that conversation with your wife babe listen we're g to like I'm with you for life and we're GNA spend the rest of our years wrestling with these big existential questions and right now it is easy to be ruled by the tyranny of the Urgent the tyranny of of the deadline and like oh well you know what are we going to pay our mortgage or this or that you know what screw the mortgage let's sell the house if our entire life right now is a whole bunch of sacrifices around paying our mortgage then honestly we're living in too big of a house because most of our life is not going to be wrestling with whether or not we successfully paid our mortgage it's going to be wrestling with the question of did our life even [ __ ] matter and I want to live a life where the older we get the more excited we get because of the truth and the profundity of the answer to that question will you build that with me if so then you got to understand why I'm I'm staying up a couple hours later every night working on the computer it's not because I'm greedy and I want to pay for my motorcycle or because I want a toy or I want to redecorate my mancave it's because I want a life that doesn't end filled with regret and I want that for you too so let's build it together I love it awesome man well this is a this is an amazing but but like in all seriousness men struggle to have those conversations yeah no definitely definitely as we wrap up this particular podcast unlock your potential you've talked about mindset you've talked talked about really just getting not only yourself but your family on this particular vision and how do you get people on board how do you lead them well you've talked about the outdated thinking let's just wrap up with this you've spent the majority of your career sounds like in this online this digital type of business space do you teach most entrepreneurs about this obviously this has to be part of the modern entrepreneurial Journey but talk to us about you know what are you seeing right now in the digital space what are people you know gravitating towards right now as we wrap up this show so I think the I think the key distinction that I would I would offer up to people is that being an entrepreneur isn't about having a business being an entrepreneur is about having more options than people that aren't if you're an entrepreneur it means you've assembled a set of skills and created a a mental context or sort of a map of how the world works that that allows you to navigate differently from everybody else so it doesn't mean that at some stage in your entrepreneurial Journey like I'll give you an example for me. I became, I would say I became, an entrepreneur at 16, because I dropped out of high school, because I didn't want anything to do with a traditional path at that point. But I didn't actually have my first successful business until I was 29. For 13 years I was a jazz musician, but you know what being a jazz musician allowed me to do? It allowed me to travel to any city in the world that I wanted to and be able to make a living. It allowed me to network with incredibly wealthy and successful people. The kind of people who hire Jazz musicians to come play their cocktail parties at their house with their entrepreneur friends. Like a lot of cool stuff happened for me as a jazz musician that I would consider to be very uh very much part of the entrepreneurial life even though I didn't yet have a successful business but I had way more options than my friends who were literally owned by their jobs they couldn't you know i' hey you want to go to I was living in Houston Texas hey you want to go to Austin for the weekend well yeah but we can't leave until 6:30 on Friday because because I'll get in trouble if I try to leave early like like so it's about options and and obviously you know there's four ways you can get paid in this world you can get paid as an employee you can get paid as a freelancer you know you know call it contract work you can get paid as a full-fledged business owner basically leveraging the the efforts of other people um in a formal structure that's got a different tax classification or you can get paid for doing cash flow investing right entrepreneurs it's about understanding the world well enough to put your program together for yourself at any time based on what you want for your life rather than having to constantly adapt your life to based on how you know the limited set of options you have to make money which is what most people do and this is where you know I I'll share my favorite quote the unreasonable or sorry the reasonable man adapts himself to the world the Unreasonable Man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself therefore all progress depends on the Unreasonable Man all progress depends on being unreasonable and so you ask about the digital economy the digital economy these digital business models I referenced to number of them earlier those are one cluster of options there's also I know you do real estate investing there's also um you know like like literally I could probably make a list of a hundred things that I could do right now based on my experience to go get somebody to pay me for something I mean I could go I could go write Jingles for for TV commercials as a as a composer I mean like you just and I'm not saying everybody has to be a musician but like that's just one example I'm like oh that created options for me right and so you could you basically drop me anywhere in the world where there's other people and I have some skill I can use defend for myself as an entrepreneur and there's particular skills in the context I'm in that have tremendous value like I.E you know since I started Entre we've done almost $200 million in Revenue in five years and I started it on a credit card again it's just about creating the skills to have the options so the digital economy you know this is what I would say to people yeah you got to learn those skills but those aren't the Be-all end-all businesses the reason Entre t tends to start people with those first of all we have people take a success DNA what we call a success DNA quiz that helps them understand their entrepreneurial archetype and what you know what they might lend themselves to but also we start there because those are the businesses that have the lowest structural risk because they don't require inventory they don't require a physical location they don't require employees um so so there's literally no way to go out of business in a digital business for financial reasons as long as you still have a an internet connection and probably a cell phone like technically you're still and and maybe the money to renew your website every month like you're still in business right you live to fight another day but also because they tend to be the ones that you can get the quickest wins where again because mostly because you're trying to show yourself in other people hey this is working you can at least get maybe some Traction in six months whereas like I said a brick and mortar business it might be more like five years um but don't don't pigeon hole yourself to thinking that the only way to be an entrepreneur in the modern world is is on the internet that's just you know that's where we find people and that's where we start people well Jeff uh man I appreciate you so much for being on the podcast today so unlock your potential where's the best place for for someone to get the book and then I want you to just uh where how do they get started if they're interested in Entre Institute uh honestly just go to my YouTube Channel watch any of my videos I I have I think close to a thousand videos on there now free training you get a sense of my style you get a sense of you know philosophically what we stand for in the world and like we're not we're trying to change the world by helping individuals change their lives it's not like we're not just a place where you go because you like are shortsighted and you want to make more money we're like if you really want to transform every aspect of your life by doing the hardest work you've ever done but actually having a real return on the amount of effort you're doing greater than that which the world provides you with your crappy job that never actually produces a meaningful retirement then come to Entre and you can start that at my YouTube channel it's JeffLernerOfficial. If you want the book you know wherever you buy books. Amazon's a good place to go. Sounds good. We'll make sure we'll put that in our show notes on our YouTube channel as well on the Iron Deep and Jeff, it has a pleasure. Thank you so much for being on the podcast today, and wish you the best buddy! Thank you, Brett. Appreciate you and the audience.