Healthy Family
May 4, 2022

How To Put God In The Center Of Your Marriage

Scott Landis talks about his work which focused on helping couples design and build their dream marriage.

Scott Landis speaks about his own marriage and how you can put God in the center. Scott is happily married to his high school sweetheart and best friend, Tawnya. They are raising their three children: Skyler, Allie, and Brynna. Scott and his wife created the Awakened Life Community, which is a community of awakened like-minded individuals who are looking to make a huge positive impact in the world, and who want to gain freedom from all hindrances and live in ultimate fulfillment. Scott and Tawnya are Trained Professional Coaches who train and coach in marriages as well as other relationships, entrepreneurship, sexuality, fitness and nutrition. They love to help people creating businesses.

Scott is a certified coach and teacher with Nehemiah Project International Ministries, where he teaches, trains and equips business leaders to exercise stewardship over their business and abilities. He also helps them recognize multiple bottom lines in their businesses and core business concepts to embrace profitable and sustainable businesses.

Scott & Tawnya have been featured on podcasts like iWork4Him, The Business Of Life, Keep Your Daydream, The Success Chronicles, The Nicholas Cupps Show, and Purpose & Profitability. Scott is a voracious reader of titles on business, leadership, quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. He loves music and playing the guitar and piano. Scott prides himself on being a "nut milk farmer". He loves dating his wife, traveling with the kids, and healthy eating!


SCOTT'S PODCAST: The Awakened Life with Scott Landis

TAWNYA'S PODCAST: The Fit Success Coach


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Marriage is one of life's toughest tasks. It takes constant effort, love, compassion, and work to make it successful. What a lot of people don't know is that with God at the center, all things are possible with him. Scott Landis joins me on the podcast this week to speak about his own marriage and how you can put God in the center!

How To Put God In The Center Of Your Marriage

I'm super excited because we got Mr. Scott Landis on the show with me. You don't know him? We're going to get to know him because he has created the Awakened Life Academy. Do you want to live a fulfilled, awakened life? Do you want to be successful and awakened in your business, marriage, parenting, health, and faith? We all want to live this most fulfilled life and reach our goals. Scott Landis is going to break it down for you. I can't wait to talk to Scott Landis.

Before I get to him, I want you guys to go over to our new website, We're putting on a retreat from September 25 to 28. This is for business owners men that want to be awakened. It's called The Men's Awakening. It's our very first Iron Deep retreat. Go over and apply. You're going to be in the Rocky Mountains, a 26,000-square-foot log cabin with 30 guys under 1 roof. It's going to be pretty awesome. We're going to have a great time. We're going to be talking about identity, rooting ourselves in Christ, sharpening each other, and going deeper in connection with God, the Father, and with each other. Check it out. It is my pleasure and my honor to introduce you to the Awakened Life Academy Founder, Scott Landis.

Brett, thanks for having me on the show.

I'm super excited. I was on your show. I'm about to plug that, whichever show comes out first. You have the Awakened Life Academy, which is awesome. I want to live an awakened life. We all want to live an awakened life. We're going to talk about what is an awakened life. Before we get into that, I want to know about you. My first question is this. Who is Scott Landis?

I'm a dad and a husband. My wife and I are high school sweethearts. We've been together for many years. Our oldest son graduated high school. We have a daughter going into high school and a daughter going into junior high. I've been an entrepreneur since 2001. I'm married and I have three kids. The hobbies are starting to come back with the age of the kids. I used to have hobbies. Now, I have a family.

What was the hobby of Scott Landis?

My private pilot license is expired. I need to do some check rides to get it back, but flying planes, snowboarding, and traveling with my wife doing destination retreats. I love being on a beach under palapa.

The pilot's license is awesome. Maybe one of these days you have your own plane and you'll be flying to these beaches.

Maybe have a motorcycle in there somewhere. All those things are from before.

Since 2001 in entrepreneurship, that’s 21 years because it's 2022. What's that like? What’s one thing that you can tell our audience? A lot of people are business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs, but not for 21 years. You have some season on you. What's one thing being an entrepreneur for 21 years that you can tell our audience or maybe something you've learned?

One thing I've learned is there's a certain wiring that it's not like an option. I did have a job somewhere in the middle of there after a financial catastrophe around the ‘08 and ‘09 timeframe. I did have a job for a little bit there, but I always was the entrepreneurial that never stopped. I did door-to-door sales and worked for a marketing firm for a little bit. Those weren't my business, but I still acted like it was. It's in the blood. Once you get a taste of it and it's meant for you, if you're wired that way, it's not an option to go back.

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: Once you get a taste of marketing and see that it is meant for you, there is no option to go back.

It's hard. You can tell yourself when to go to work or when to come home and when someone starts telling you, “You got to be here at 8:30 or 9:00.” “What? I'm out of here.”

A creativeness to it that is addictive. I can't stand being put in a box and being told what to do unless that box contains like, “Do whatever you want in this box.” It's cool, but I need to have that creative element, that outlet.

That's why we're here. The Awakened Life Academy is what you're doing now. You're teaching people how to have lasting and meaningful success. I hear the words lasting and meaningful success, which means that there's some success that is not lasting or meaningful. Is that true?

Like you, I did some real estate investing, but not like you. I barely scratched the surface of your real estate investing.

Here's the difference. You got into it before ‘07 and ‘08. I got into it around ‘07 and ‘08. If I had got into it in ‘04, I'd probably be sitting right there.

At the height of it, I had ten properties in our name. I was managing other ones. I created an investment group. I managed, at the height of it, 50 people's investment and it was a smaller scale. The investors were in a $10,000 apiece. I was an insurance and financial services agent. My wife and I had a business with farmers for many years, and then I got into real estate investing. All that was where I cut my teeth as an entrepreneur. I was very compartmentalized in my life.

I had my spiritual life and my work life. Things were family. One thing about being awakened is it's very integrated. Through the real estate bubble that I got to participate in, I popped with the bubble in ‘09 when I was doing the door-to-door sales. I was like, “How can I make some quick money to get myself out of all these debts I found myself in?” I floundered for a little bit. I was raised in a Christian home. It was a part of my culture, and I had a relationship with Jesus from an early age.

I was a Christian, but I wasn't surrounded by Christians. I was living in the world and I was the Christian guy of the group. I was a Christian doing business like the world. There was no integration into that. That's how my experience was when I had this great, upward success. Financially, we bought the dream home. We started popping out babies, going on awesome vacations, having all the cars, motorcycles, and all this stuff, and then ended up losing it all. That was painful that I had to take a couple of years to reevaluate like, “I have this relationship with God, at least on Sunday. I do business. I'm a Christian and the other guy's not. Why is this happening to me like it happened to him?”

There are all sorts of things you can extrapolate out of that, but at the end of the day, I needed some time to reevaluate. 2012 is when I had my first element of an awakening. What that means, for me, is all of a sudden, everything has changed. It's a perspective change. It's a story change. What struck me in the summer of 2012 was my faith was challenged to the point where if I could open up the Bible to any page, you could randomly open it and look somewhere on there, you're going to find something that's miraculous, that's unexpected, that's not normal by “nowadays” standards. “My life doesn't look like this. As a Christian, I have an issue. Either this is true or not, but what if it's true?”

I grew up with all these stories. All of a sudden, I was seeing it for the first time. I said, “Jesus was walking on water. The disciples are in the boat, and Peter says, ‘That's Jesus. Tell me to come out to you,’ and Jesus says, ‘Come on out.’ Jesus takes a step. Peter takes a step, and now Peter's walking on the water and Jesus. What the heck? If that's real or true, and you come to grips with that, do you either accept the reality of that truth, or you reject it?” For me, I was willing to say, “If that's true, some things in my life need to change. I need to open up a day every day in my life and see something unexpected and a miracle.” I was telling people to get up and walk who couldn't walk, but I was experiencing and I was expecting things to be unexpected. That was the first part.

Honestly, if you're familiar with the Bible, sometimes you gloss over all these stories. The things in there are miraculous. You look at it and you're like, “There's a talking snake.” It's weird. You start to, “Did this really happen?” You have to make that choice. You had this awakening. What happened after that? When did this Awakening Life Academy start? Did that happen right away? You started impacting other guys or what happened after this? Take us more into this story.

There are a few elements of awakening that happened. That was the first one, having a spiritual awakening, and then learning that if all this is true, then somehow, there is a big purpose. Not just the purpose of making disciples. We all have that one. There's a purpose individually for me. That was a paradigm shift, and it should be evident in my work and my business. Before there were churches and businesses. They didn't have any overlap. They didn't go together. I knew, if nothing else, that my work needed to be aligned with my purpose, which needed to be aligned with who I am and whose I am.

I have a course called Alignment Operating System. It's all about like, “What if everything is lined up?” Chiropractors talk about, “You need to make an adjustment here. You need to make sure it's all in line. If you get it flowing, it will work.” Over the course of those ten years, I've been obsessed with that premise and walking it out in my marriage. At that time, Tanya and I had a rock bottom because it came from this paradigm shift like it should be extraordinary.

It shouldn't be just like an average people like, “They have a nice relationship. It's functional.” It should be like, “What the heck are they drinking? What are they on? I want what they have.” It should be a light to the world. It should be something that draws people to this spiritual awakening, this connection with God from where higher power. In the marriage, there wasn't anything necessarily wrong, but we started asking questions like, “How come it's not unexpected, miraculous, and extraordinary?” That got us digging into stuff that you sweep under the rug. We stopped doing that. We started exposing things and opening up the chest cavity of realness, taking off the mask, and being real with each other.

That was a painful process. We almost lost our marriage in that process, but then we found some things, and out of that came our Marriage Architects Curriculum. Now we teach couples. We call it Marriage Architects, where we're like, “You can construct your dream marriage. You can design and build your dream marriage. Let's set the expectation bar high. What's the ideal vision of this? We're not there, what are the steps to get there?” That was our process which was a very painful 2 or 3-year process where we almost lost it. Thank God we didn't. People do sometimes. We're no better than those people who end up in divorce. We got lucky because, right at the right moment, we found the right tool.

We've been able to put it together into a system or a curriculum that now we use. Frankly, most of my time is spent working with couples and helping them more easily and less painfully get that stuff. That was a piece of it. My wife is primarily focused on the body, fitness, and vitality. During the time of our marriage issues, I ended up having what medical people would call an autoimmune disease. I reject that. I know that I've got inflammation in my body and it's causing all these things.

The vitality piece is having the ability to go from this paradigm of, “The body is supposed to heal itself. If this word of God is true, then I don't have an autoimmune drug deficiency. I just need to tune into what's true. The body heals itself. People in the Bible lived to be close to 1,000 years old. There's no reason why I'm having this problem. What's the issue?”

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: The body is supposed to heal itself. If the Word of God is true, then a person doesn’t need to have an autoimmune drug deficiency to tune into what is true.

I’m looking into diet and more natural ways of fixing it. I've come a long way. There was a time one morning when I woke up and I wasn't able to tie my shoes, bend over, or do anything. I've come a long way and am still not 100% there, but I reject the idea that I need a chemo drip for the rest of my life to counteract this immune problem.

I love the word awakening. I love the Awakened Life Academy. You talk about this awakening in these different areas of your life, this awakening spiritually. You have this awakening with your faith and in your marriage. You took what you guys have learned and put them into a system. You're helping other people to have these awakenings in these different areas, whether it's you breaking down into four categories, vitality, relationships, freedom, and impact.

There are modules on your website you take people through. I want to dig into it. I wouldn't have enough time to dig into all this stuff, but I want to hit on a couple of these things. In the Awakened Life Academy, you have these twelve modules. Number one, you don't have money on there. When I'm thinking of living the most fulfilled life, and you talk about success, and I'm sure it's in there, but it's not point blank, a lot of times in this business, you're like, “How can you make a lot of money now?” You do it with a different approach. I'm sure it's in there and probably in module one. You talk about money in your system with the awakened life. How does that relate?

First of all, we have a couple of programs that are directly related to money. One is called Financial Intimacy which helps you create connection in your relationship through the budgeting system and the practical stuff, but creating connection. From that interesting paradigm, you come up with different solutions than normal. We have a program that’s like a financial planning tool that's built into Awakened Life Academy. To answer your question, it is in the freedom pillar. We're looking at how we create fulfillment because in my past, before the Awakening, I was 100% focused on money.

It was about, “How much money do I want to make this year? $100,000, that's my goal.” Everything comes under that. Everything was basically aligned with that, “How do I make this $100,000 a reality?” That puts you out of balance. You sacrifice family, health, and things to make that goal happen. If you take it from, “How do I create the most fulfillment?” the question becomes, “The money component is a freedom component.” In order to have the greatest level of fulfillment, you need to impact that growth and contribution, living a legacy, and making a big difference in the world that's near and dear to your heart. That's the impact pillar. These are hierarchical.

To have that, you have to have the freedom to create that, financial freedom and freedom from hindrances. I always think if you're a dragster and you've got parachute dragging you, what are those things that are dragging you? If the finances are an issue, then here are the tools to take care of that. We do have the tools. LifeLens is a financial planning tool that's awesome and helps families keep track of wealth generation. Financial intimacy brings couples together through it. All that's from that paradigm is, “How do we create the freedom that we need in order to create the impact so that we can have true fulfillment?”

That's one of your freedom pillars, relationships, vitality, and impact. I want to talk about a couple of interesting ones. I picked out a few here other ones that don't get talked about a lot. When I was looking at under the vitality, you talk about energy management. When I think about vitality, you talk about nutrition, fitness, and all that stuff, but with energy management, can you give us maybe a couple of tips from that pillar and that module? How do you get more energy? I'm exhausted. Most of the guys were stressed out and exhausted. I'm always looking for quick-fix energy. That's where we get these other bad habits as well. Give us some tips on energy management.

First of all, it's not energy drinks. This is something we learned when we were in our relationship struggle. The pillars are hierarchical. The vitality is the foundational one, but it was the relationship that informed the need for energy management. What we realized was to have the relationship that we wanted and to feel that fulfillment in the relationship, as entrepreneurs, and both of us are entrepreneurs, raising three kids, your energy is depleted all the time. There are things that drain energy and there are things that energize you. This Alignment Operating System teaches how you can find things that energize you and you can invest more of your time and get a return on energy.

When you think about energy as a commodity or something you can invest in, you can invest it in things that energize you. You mentioned that real estate was a success for you. It generated income and it was well well-running business, but you lost a passion and purpose in it. It became an energy drain. You needed to find something that you could invest your energy into that makes you feel alive. When you feel fully alive and excited, you have unlimited energy all of a sudden.

Somebody else, like maybe the guy that you appointed to run the company for you, if he finds that it's energizing for him and if it's tapped into his purpose, then problem solved. It's not about what you do. It's your unique gift, skills, or abilities and that indicate what your purpose is. When you are living on purpose, you can't wait to get up in the morning and you want to keep working on it until you are exhausted. You sleep better than you ever thought possible. It's like almost miraculous. All of a sudden, you have all the energy you need.

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: When you are living on purpose, you will look forward to getting up in the morning and keep working until you are exhausted.

I was in that real estate, and it was energizing at first because it was brand new and had a lot of variety to it. After a while, it was sucking me dry. I needed that awakening, something that I could get behind purposeful and passionate about. You're right. We're uniquely designed. Sometimes people like those details. They love digging in, the spreadsheets, and all that. That drains me. It's wherever you're at. You talk about relationships in your academy. When I think about relationships, there's the marriage, which you've already talked about. There's parenting and other relationships. You talk about yourself and you put that in the relationships category. Why did you put that relationship with yourself? What does that mean? What do you go down on that module?

This comes from experiencing and experimenting with what works and what doesn't work. I think of two things. The broad scope of it is our society. There's a principle that Jesus said, “What’s the greatest commandment?” The answer was the love of God. The second one, he's like, “Here's a bonus for you. Love your neighbor as yourself.” I heard that my entire life, but when I got that, it's love your neighbor as yourself. I used to think, “Take care of all the people around you.” If you're not taking care of yourself, then you can't. It's the, “Put your air mask on first.” It's the airplane rule.

If you look at society and all the issues in society, that's the problem. People are loving their neighbors more than themselves. People are not loving themselves, and therefore they're not loving others. When you see hate, destruction, and whatever the opposite of love towards your neighbor, you have to check yourself, “What is going on internally?” There's that other line, “Know thy self.” You have to be aware of the way you're wired. You mentioned the Enneagram on the other show and I'm a big fan of the Enneagram. There are all sorts of personality assessments, but the reason why I like the Enneagram is because it gives you a growth path.

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: People are loving their neighbors as themselves. However, people are not loving themselves. When you only see hate and destruction, you need to find out what is going on internally.

It doesn't just say, “Here's your type. Learn about it.” It says, “You have a type, but there's also a path if you want to be intentional about growing. If you're stressed out, you tend to go that way. You can try to avoid that one, but there's also a growth path.” There are tools like the Enneagram to help you with that. It's about knowing, understanding, and being able to express yourself in a relationship. Vulnerability creates a connection in the relationship. You can't create connection and intimacy with somebody if you don't know yourself. If I can't tell you who I am and I can't show you like open up the chest cavities and say, “Here's the real me, the raw me. Here it is,” if I don't have that awareness of myself, then I'm not effective in relationships and society.

When you talk about Jesus and the greatest commandments, it's like, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What if you're not taking care of yourself? That's an awesome advice there. Let's talk about freedom. You have wholeness and healing in the freedom category. What does that mean?

There is a lot there. I have a Psychology degree. I come from a background in Psychology. I'm a nine on the Enneagram, which there's a combination here that I'm able to see into the depths of people's souls pretty easily. That's one of my gifts. I want to give people a tool, and it's the Enneagram. When it comes to wholeness and healing, that's becoming a whole person. There's a great place to look in psychology as well. There's Carl Jung in psychology. He talks about shadow work. There are a lot of talks about shadow work in social media realms these days.

If I give people a tool, the Enneagram is such a powerful tool to take a look at to find out what your type is. Once you know what it is, there are nine options. You find out which type you are, then in that growth path, I like to take complicated and make it simple. If you look at the shadow work of Carl Jung and all the philosophy that goes behind that, it's exploring the dark parts of yourself, the parts that you don't bring into the light that you try to hide and put a mask on. When you take the mask off, that's shadow work.

The Enneagram is such a great tool to say, “Now you know your type. Here's the stress path, the one that you try to avoid. That's going to show you what your shadow is.” When I saw that, it became such a practical tool to do all this complicated shadow work that people talk about. It's right there. I'll give an example because I want to make sure it's clear. I'm a nine. It means, on growth, I look more like the high side of a three. The best quality of a three is when I'm intentional about growing. I'm doing three stuff. I'm in the spotlight. This is not my natural state. It takes a little bit of energy. It's energizing, but it's hard for me to be on a growth path, I'm at my best, and my whole. It balances who I am to be at the three.

The six is where I go when I'm not at my best, the low side of a six. Sixes are great people, but there is a whole spectrum of average, healthy level, high health, and low health. When I'm at my worst, I look like a low-health six. If I look at the description of that, it reads like, “That is what I look like when I'm yelling at my kids, not getting along with the wife, or stressed out and whatever. Those are not my good qualities.” It's like a mirror. It's like, “Look at the mirror. It tells you the truth about who you are and what you need to work on. It also gives you who you are and what you can grow into.”

I'm the 7 with a wing 3. We mentioned Iron Deep, what we're doing, and a lot of cool stuff, adventure variety, and log cabin in the Rocky Mountains, which is awesome, then doing it with impacting other men, having some achievement there, and seeing their lives change. That's why I'm all about it. If I get stressed out, I turn into the low levels of an eight, which I'm a big bull in a China shop and I'm taking control. If things aren't going well, I get into everything. It's like that mirror. You asked me on your show, “Why do you like the Iron Deep concept?”

A lot of it is because that's how I'm designed and wired. When I look at that land, I’m like, “This is why I love it because it makes me feel awakened. It makes me feel alive when I'm doing this stuff.” Let's talk about that impact. This show is a lot about purpose and impact. I know this is what's on your heart. You talk about impact as a contribution through mission. This is one of those six human needs. Talk to us about why is impact important to this awakened, fulfilled life. Why is that need there?

What comes to mind is contrasting what guided my life before awakening was usually a financial goal or a material thing. Tony Robbins’ Six Human Needs illustrates it better than anything I could say. You can delineate the four basic needs from the higher level of growth and contribution. Let's use Maslow's model. Once you have your food, shelter, and clothing, Maslow talks about self-actualization. People even talk about beyond self-actualization, transcending that. Those are all descriptions of the outside of yourself. That's what the impact is. Once you've taken care of you have the energy and vitality, your relationships are good, and you've released yourself from all those hindrances, you have that freedom, what's left is outside yourself.

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: Once you have the energy vitality, your relationships are good, and you have released yourself from all hindrances, you have freedom. What is left to work on is outside yourself.

I know that you talk about the kingdom being tapped into something that is at the highest level of connection with God and doing on mission for him, but if you don't connect with that, you get close at least by understanding like, “What do I have a heart for that I care about and it's always energizing? It's not me. It's outside of me.” It's a weird paradox of selfishness because the greatest selfishness and self-fulfillment you can have is to find something outside of yourself that you see, invest your time, energy, money, or whatever resources you have into someone, something, or a cause and you see it grow and then you think into your life, “When I'm gone, this thing is going to keep going.” There's nothing greater than that when it comes to the feeling of fulfillment

My wife was talking about that. She gave me a call. You talked about focusing on yourself. You got to take care of yourself, but if you're fully immersed in yourself and it's all about you, then it makes you feel yucky. That's the word she used, “I need to do something for somebody else. I feel like I have been about myself too much.” There's something about a cause or something that you're passionate about and helping. One of the things that we've been doing is going to Guatemala. There are orphanages and food centers there.

We're starting to get more knowledge. I've had some people that are doing the human trafficking. I’m helping with that because it's super dark. If you want to get dark on that, I've had some of them on the show. Once you get past surviving, get past the food, and the shelter and you're not surviving anymore, then you can impact people. That's amazing. Last question before we end the show here. You talk about planning a legacy vision. Legacy sometimes is a word we throw around there. A lot of times, we say, “What do we want people to say about us when we die?” What is that legacy vision? How do you guys take someone through that process?

For me, the word that got overused was vision. Coming from the business world, being a business coach, and working with teams and businesses on their strategic plans, part of that is vision. You have a vision and then the strategy comes out of that. I wanted to take a step further with legacy and vision, those two words that get overused putting it together is something new. First of all, I do strategic planning with individuals and families. I learned it from the business world, but if you want to live this life of fulfillment, you got to be strategic about it. I apply the best practices of business to strategic planning for individuals.

IDP 80 | Dream Marriage
Dream Marriage: If you want to live a life of fulfillment, you need to be strategic about it.

I do that quarterly and give that away. I happen to be doing that after this. When you think about the vision of your life, that by itself sounds self-focused. If you add legacy vision to it, all of a sudden, you have to say, “What does that mean? That's beyond my life.” It's multi-generational. Let me tell a story. My son graduated high school at eighteen. He's not in school. He is not going to college. He's not necessarily worried about his grades. He doesn't have the type A personality of my wife and I that are like, “We got to create great.”

He's like, “I'm cool. I'm doing my thing.” He's going to be fine. He's set up to be a firefighter or maybe even a pilot. The things that are important to him are the things that I care about. I realized as he graduated and going into the world, which is my first attempt at having an adult child and I see things a little differently, what occurred to me is, “I'm proud of this kid.” When it comes to things that matter, he cares about people. He's bold and not afraid to approach someone and make a difference in their life.

When it comes to human connection, he's that guy. I admire that. That's cool. Maybe we did an all-right job, but Father's Day happened. I sent my dad a message and said, “I'm proud of my son, but it started with you,” because his dad was an alcoholic. He is not a good dad. My dad is who I credit for. There's a multi-generational legacy vision that's left there. What's weird, and I heard Ed Mylett talk about this, that somebody, not his dad, was a catalyst in my dad's life who made him realize, “I'm going to move some things together.” When I think about what you're doing in your retreat for men, you might be the guy who affects somebody's great-grandkids. Every day, there's a potential to create a legacy and you don't even know.

I heard Ed Mylett talk about his dad in The Power Of One. That did get me as well. I was like, “Every day, just one more person to impact.” That's why I even used the retreat. I got a team going on a men’s retreat. I said, “I got some guys giving some talks. There is one guy that is going to be there that needs to hear your story. They need to hear you. They're waiting for you right now and sleeping in their bed. They're waiting for you anyway.”

Thanks, Scott. This is awesome. Awakened Life Academy. I know that you are giving something away. I want to use this time, which is amazing. I know you showed me this strategic planning book and I can't imagine how many hours it took you to put something like that together. I'm doing content. Just the unseen hours to put something together is amazing and you're giving this away. Where can someone get this?

I want to give my goal execution management system to people who are living on purpose and need daily discipline and accountability. The system of Awakened Life Academy is the thirteen-week goal planner, a weekly call, and that strategic planning quarterly call for free. The best way that you can get into that is to go to That doesn't give you direct access. You'll get in and I will know about you. Your email is all it takes there then let me know. Get your email in there. You're signing up for the Define Your Purpose Challenge. It's going to help you if you need some clarity on your purpose, “What does all that mean? How do I live out this awakened life thing?”

Once you have your email in there, you'll get an automatic response from me. If you're looking for this free goal execution management system and accountability calls, email me. I will be the one who gets that email and I'll respond. Let me know that you read this and you're looking for that. If you want to see more information about what Awakened Life Academy is, you can go to The Define Your Purpose Challenge would be a great place for people to start a free course. Takes your email and you're in.

During the unseen hours that I work, I raise my hand when it comes to shortening the learning curve. Figuring things out through the hard knocks of life is not me. If I can shorten the learning curve and have your experiences and knowledge put into there, that 1% every day tweaks is how we become awakened in these areas of our life. We all can do it. That's what we all want. We just have to take that first step. Guys, check that out. Scott, thank you for being on the show. I appreciate you.

I appreciate you. Thank you.

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