Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

I Cannot Remember the Books I Have Read - How to Apply What You Learn From Books With Nick Hutchison

Spending hours reading books doesn't make much sense if you can't remember any of what you've read.

Many people have trouble reading and retaining what they read. Today we'll dive deep into some of the techniques you can use to increase the amount of information you can remember and recall from your reading sessions.

Nick Hutchison with @BookThinkers wrote the book "Rise Of The Reader" which has strategies for mastering your reading habits and applying what you learn. So how do we actually read books, remember what we read, and apply what we learn?

Nick has developed an effective system to get the most out of books. He has learned how to read and implement over 400 books into his life. In order to read books and apply them to his life, Nick developed the SMART system. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific - Measurable - Attainable - Relevant - Time Bound. Nick teaches Brett about these simple but effective steps he uses to read and actually apply 35-50 books a year into his daily life.

By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of where to start reading, how to progress in the books you read, and how to implement and apply his techniques for improving your reading retention and application.



This is a must-read for every highly successful entrepreneur.

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I Cannot Remember the Books I Have Read - How to Apply What You Learn From Books With Nick Hutchison

What's up? Brett Snodgrass here. Got Nick Hutchison in on the podcast with me today. He's the author of "Rise of the Reader." He's the owner of Book Thinkers and today we're going to talk about how to read and Implement 400 plus books. Let's Go!

What's going on? This is Brett Snodgrass with another episode of The Iron Deep Podcast. I have Nick Hutchison on with me today. What's going on Nick?

Brett, I'm excited to be here man. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Hey I've got a question for you yes what is the best book that you've read over the last couple of years

oh wow man that's a that's really great question I would say probably one of the best books that I have read would be uh the ruthless elimination of hurry uh that was that was a great book uh I feel you know CU not to explain it all but um you know we live in a very hurried State not saying you can't be productive and and go very fast but not to live in that anxiety stress filled hurry State that's probably one of the best ones I read how about you man was you're you're book thinkers you review books you've read over 400 plus books now what's been a book maybe in the last yeah three to six months you've read that you're like man I'm going to review this book and I really want to because it has changed my life

well right off the bat the book that came to my mind was Arnold Schwarzenegger's new book it's all about being useful and when you talk about somebody who has like this crazy dream to reality ratio right who leverages visualization and and the power of action and putting things to use you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger I mean the guy grew up in rural Austria with no running water or plumbing and he became the world's most successful bodybuilder business owner movie star governor of California author so pretty cool to see what he's done and and so I've I've really enjoyed his book it just came out recently

yeah I I've seen some of his his talks where he he talks about that no one believed in him especially like with his accent how's he going to be a movie star and and things like that so so so I'm have to get a hold of that book uh definitely well welcome to the show iron deep podcast Nick Hutchison I'm super excited to be here guys um Nick is basically most popular from his book review website called book thinkers uh so again he uh you know reviews books he he has read over 400 plus books he has a brand new book called rise of the reader so I have just read this particular book and it's an awesome book it's a brand new book that just came out um he has his own podcast and and your life you're changing lives man you're transforming lives but it actually started with your own life and uh I want to talk just through that a little bit so when I was reading your book you talked about earlier you're still a young guy 29 years old, but earlier you had a mentor one of your first Bosses named Kyle and kind of remember that cuz you used to ride around the car with Kyle and and he would always always listen to podcasts he would always listen to books, and I think you know one of your thoughts was "why don't you listen to music?" And he said, "Why would I want to listen to the same song 300 times because it's not going to get me to the life of my dreams?" Right, so I want to talk about that a little bit. Mentors, people you hung around with, how did you start to get this mindset of being a leader and growing in your life?

Well I was not much of a reader growing up, and I was not really thinking much about mentorship or anything like that in my teens or I guess super early 20s. But I took an internship going into my senior year of college at a local software company and Kyle was the sales director at that company so I was shadowing Kyle following him around on sales calls and things like that and sometimes he would put on these business podcasts and just like you mentioned he explained to me that music isn't going to change your life it's fun to listen to and there's a place for it but the right podcast might and so he was listening to all types of business related shows and real estate related shows where successful people were being interviewed and I had about a one-hour commute each way to this office five days a week that summer so I was spending 10 plus hours a week in the car by myself plus time in the car with him and so I decided to start listening to shows by myself and I realized very quickly that so many of the successful people being interviewed were giving at least some credit for their success to the books that they were reading and I started to hear the same titles over and over and over and over again and So eventually I just realized that if I was deliberately choosing not to read these books then I was also deliberately choosing to live under my potential and as a sort of cocky know-it-all 20 something at the time I decided to put that to the side because I was pretty competitive and I said let let me go to the bookstore let me go to my local Barnes & Noble sort of list in hand and see what all the hype is about and that's how I got into reading and today I definitely believe that readers are leaders and good leaders are readers as well and uh I think there's a great tie between the two because reading is a humbling experience it's like every single time you open up a new book you realize there's this entire world this entire set of language an entire industry an entire base of knowledge that you were previously unaware of that people are experts in and dedicating their lives to understanding and so there's just so much to learn and every time I read a new book I realize there's something else I don't know about this beautiful world that we live in so that's kind of that's kind of the origin story if you will yeah definitely and uh I loved reading your journey through that uh and reading is a very humble experience and maybe that's why some people don't read uh because again you find that you don't know everything and you're learning something new all the time and so you went of those very first books store uh obviously I think you're interested in sales business real estate a lot of our listeners are from the real estate industry CU that's where I'm from uh one of your first books was Rich Dad Poor Dad it always fascinates me because that book always comes as that was one of my very first books that excited me about business uh that I really learned how to grow wealth and I'm always trying to pinpoint like you know what was it about that book there was a lot of books even at that time about being successful about Building Wealth uh but what was it about this book that particularly changed people's lives I don't know you know I know maybe you read that a while ago a decade or so ago but uh can you maybe pinpoint like what was it about that book because that was one of the first books that you read that really you're like oh my gosh and it just kind of transformed your life yeah there were a number of reasons I think that some of the businesses some of the shows that I was listening to were focused on real estate like the Bigger Pockets podcast and so so many people in the world of real estate in particular like you're highlighting they started their journey by reading Rich Dad Poor Dad for me it was such an eye opening Book for a couple of reasons. Number one, I was a business student at a business school that didn't know much about money. And so every time sort of the high- Performing kids in class who are getting the big internships and managing the school's investment funds and stuff every time they started to talk about money and how much they're going to make after school and the things that they're doing with their their side hustles and stuff I would become insecure and I would shy away from those conversations. So when I jumped into Rich Dad Poor Dad and he's talking about the fin you know the importance of financial literacy and that he's going to teach you how to understand this language of money I was hooked right off the bat because I'm like here's an opportunity to remove the insecurity I have around money and be more confident in the classroom and around these high performing kids because like Robert Kiyosaki teaches us in that book the subject of money is typically not taught in the public education system it's only taught at school I mean sorry it's only taught in the home right and so if you grow up in a poor or middle class home you will learn poor or middle class money habits and you'll be insecure when the subject of money pops up but if you grow up in a rich home you learn Rich money habits and so Robert Kiyosaki basically says in there hey financial literacy the language of money is important to understand and you can learn it by reading books written by rich people that's like the shortcut so a couple of other reasons why I think that it's a bestseller and why I think it performs really well number one it's an allegory or a fable just like your book and so that's easier to understand and digest I think when when somebody's preaching at you telling you to change you could be a little defensive but when you're reading about how somebody else goes through a change you sort of let your guard down and so it's more approachable I think number two it's only 200 Pages sort of big text very basic language and so it's easy to get through it's not one of these 600 page books that's super intimidating but it's like easy to approach and easy to understand and I think that uh nowadays it has so much Word of Mouth momentum I remember I talked with uh the co-author of the book Sharon Lecter who's sort of behind the scenes and she was telling me that the book is sold over 35 million copies wow so it's just it has that name recognition and that word of momentum that all of us authors are looking for so everybody's heard of it in one way shape or form yeah now definitely because obviously we hear about it a lot in the real estate space but I hear about a lot in in every space again you're talking about financial literacy which I still am baffled by schools even today don't teach much about financial uh literacy like you know I'm not a big math guy but when you put a dollar sign behind it I get a lot more interested and we need to teach more about how to build that uh and build wealth uh passively actively so that was one of your very first books you kind of got hooked on books after that particular point you talked about you listen to a lot of podcasts uh and and you now you've read over 400 plus books 29 years old I mean I'm trying to do the math but you're reading 35 50 books seems like a year um you know something like that so obviously you've you've been growing yourself and you put a lot of this in your book "The Rise of the Reader" um so my question basically is that you've been on this growth cycle you've been hanging around with people that like to grow um and and you really have learned so much different things so can you kind of just talk about your journey and I want to get into just a little bit of studying the books because I love that portion of it but you really started to love reading and I don't think you loved it in school right but you really started to just find this passion uh and this purpose for reading can you talk about that a little bit what has done for your life yeah sometimes I've heard Evan Carmichael one of my mentors say that your purpose comes from your pain and when you're aligned with your purpose you have more energy right so books helped me overcome so many insecurities and so many issues in my life early on in those first couple of months that I was just hooked I'm like there's this magic recipe to solve every problem that you're facing remove every insecurity that you have develop every skill that you want to develop and that recipe is available for only $20 a shot right in a few hours of your time I'm like somebody's got to like I I don't know what's happening behind the scenes but I don't know why I wasn't aware of this before there was a a TED Talk that I watched early in this experience where the host of the the person on stage says to the audience hey how much would you pay to come over to my house this weekend if I told you that Arnold Schwarzenegger was there teaching bodybuilding, Mahatma Gandhi was there talking about peace, Steve jobs was there teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship and he just goes on with the list people throw out all these crazy numbers and he says well I have their books or books written about them and that's the same thing books are mentors because you can filter your decision making through the lens of Steve Jobs when you're making a decision in your business you can get a good understanding of how he would answer the question and so I started to think about books as mentors I started to think about books as problem solvers or a way to level up my skill sets and I just went like boom boom boom shot after shot after shot and I'm just leveling up so fast it became sort of Addicting in a way you know Not only was I in a sales position and I was reading books about sales marketing communication and starting to make more money but I read books on real estate and I got involved in my first couple of rental properties I read books on health and fitness and I leveled up my fitness just went on and on and on and I saw so much progress and such a dramatic Improvement in every area of my life that I couldn't stop and I still can't stop now I'm infinitely curious I think I'm a student of life and there's so much I mean even if I Read 50 books a year for the rest of my life you're barely scratching a fraction of 1% of what's available so there's just so much to do and so much to see and I view that in such a positive way I want to talk about that a little bit because sometimes it even baffles me because I don't read 50 books a year and I talk about the average CEO reading like 50 60 books particular year um and I want to talk about that you know and and that's what you really dive into about becoming a rising reader and how do you do that but then how do you implement that but before we really get into that I want to talk about you had some insecurities you talked about already uh you talked about you had some social uh anxiety right you didn't even want to go to school at sometimes like you didn't want to be around uh people and now you're you know huge on social media you have your own podcast you're on this particular podcast you're writing books people wanting you to interview you and he had to overcome that um obviously you did some door to-door sales but take us into like how did you overcome this social uh anxiety and I think you know really anxiety in general because I think that is that is huge in in our today's culture uh people overcoming this anxiety I have two thoughts number one is that it is a choice I made a decision to overcome the insecurity which was being driven by a lack of skill I couldn't effectively communicate what was going on inside of my head and as a result there was consistently a fear of rejection I would anticipate failure now I can probably articulate that better today than I could back then but I made a choice I said I want to be successful in life and I know that one of the foundational skill sets centers around your ability to communicate what's going on inside of here to somebody else and so I made that choice and then kind of thought number two is I worked small steps in the right direction over a long period of time I started by H uh running my own house painting business so I did door to-door sales for two full Summers I had to hire all of my friends manage the job sites sell all of the deals that was a lot of work I mean every single time I knocked on a door I had a pit in my stomach I was nervous there were a lot of experience I we could talk for half an hour about all the failures that I had that first summer it was every single day it was tough to get out of bed put on the clothing drive to a new neighborhood and start knocking on doors but I forced myself through it and it became easier and more efficient every single door that I knocked and I learned to embrace rejection I learned that failure is just part of the process and so many other valuable lessons but just in brief from there I then went back to school and I signed up for a couple of public speaking classes so I took two public speaking classes at my University then I took that sales internship at the local software company where I was pounding the phones which eventually transitioned into flying all around the country and making in-person presentations then I joined Toast Masters which is a public speaking sort of club that that most major cities have or or towns where you can get constructive feedback on your ability to present I also read books on sales marketing communication persuasion negotiation and everything in between and practiced those skill sets and I started creating you know social media content I was putting myself on video and receiving constructive feedback from people and consistently trying to improve and then ultimately hosting a podcast and then being interviewed on podcast so I would say it's thousands of small little steps in the right direction consistently looking for feedback and and opportunities for improvement implementing them and then just gaining the confidence the the like the proof is in the pudding right if you can show up and articulate yourself and be energetic and charismatic and people compliment you on your ability to communicate you don't have as much fear going into the next situation because you've developed the skill to a point where you feel certainty not uncertainty and so I think those are some of the things that I did number one was I made a choice and number two was just small little steps in the right direction I love it you talk a lot about that in your book and I know other people have said that just that 1% per day uh just growth a couple other things come to mind in that you just showed up all right you showed up and you intentional about putting yourself into uncomfortable situations cuz a lot of times they know that was very uncomfortable for you go to Toast Masters doing door to-door sales even I can even cringe you know doing that today and a lot of people find that very uncomfortable um I think what what the biggest fear is public speaking right uh even more than death so you kept but I I want to say that is you were intentional about completely putting yourself in uncomfortable situations so I applaud you on that so if you're listening out there what is uncomfortable for you are you're putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation or you always staying in your comfort zone um so becoming a rising reader nick uh let's talk about that this is a book obviously it's an amazing book rise of the reader you have a chapter really talking about how to become a rising reader and some things that I wrote down is that you can read books and not Implement which most people do and that's where I was getting at is most people read and they don't execute they don't Implement what they just read uh they they want to they have a desire to but maybe they just don't know how to and you talk about you know reading plus implementation equals change so I want you just to talk about that like do you have a structure do you have something that you do when you are reading to help you implement because again most people might read and then they don't know what they just read because you can't retain the knowledge so they don't do anything about it and they just go to the next book can you can you take talk us into like your structure and your discipline when you read a book absolutely can this is one of my favorite subjects I'll start off with a metaphor imagine you want to create the world's best chicken parm right dinner for your family so you do a bunch of research you buy the best chicken parm cookbook out there you read that thing inside and out you dog ear the pages you take notes it's full of sticky notes it looks like it's been through war and you even buy all the ingredients you visualize yourself taking AC and what your family's going to think when they buy it in but then you fail to make the chicken parm you never actually use the ingredients to create it that would seem kind of goofy right all of that effort just to fail to implement it yet we buy books on entrepreneurship and we don't start businesses or we buy books on dating and we never ask anybody out there are so many examples of this that it's sort of funny when you compare it to the chicken parm thing so over the years of building my community book thinkers I've have received hundreds or maybe even thousands of inquiries along the same lines like hey Nick how do I choose the right book for me how do I put it into action what should I be doing with my notes why can't I retain what I'm reading and so I'd answer everybody I'm of service to my community as much as possible but I realized that I had never taken the time to actually observe my own behavior and Define my own Frameworks so that they were easier for other people to digest so that's what I did over the last couple of years I said what the heck does Nick Hutcherson do to retain and Implement more from the books that he's reading like from a third party perspective and just observed my own behavior and so the result is this book in this you know this format and formula that I can give everybody so when I'm starting a new book I love to start by setting a smart goal I call it an intention a smart goal for the book that I'm reading because that bakes action in right from the very start smart is an acronym for everybody listening if you're not familiar with it that stands for specific your your goal needs to be specific measurable you need to know whether or not you achieved your goal as the legendary Peter Ducker says what's not being measured can't be managed a stands for attainable you need to set a goal that's realistic so that you don't procrastinate and fail to take any action R stands for Relevant so relevant means you're emotionally connected to the outcome right it's solving a problem it's going to help you relieve that pain or develop that skill and now you're connected to the outcome and then T stands for time bound you want to give yourself a deadline for taking action so if I was reading let's just say there's a new book on leads out right now called Hundred Million Dollar Leads by Alex Hormozi it's a book on lead generation for service-based businesses I don't just read the book I start by setting that smart goal something like find and Implement at least two new lead generation strategies for my business book thinkers by the end of December so that's specific it's measurable I know whether or not the book achieved its goal when I'm done with it it's attainable I didn't say make a hundred million just find and Implement at least two things I'm emotionally connected to it, it's relevant to me because quite frankly my business stinks at Leen and then time bound I gave myself a deadline to take action action is that key word by the end of December and so in short from there I'll write that intention on the inside cover of my book so that I can review it each and every time I read another chapter you're sharing with your brain what the goal is so that your brain can just filter everything else out and naturally sort of highlight those actions that you might want to implement So reading becomes a game of trying to find locate and understand what to take action on so that you can implement it and change your behavior those are just a couple steps of the process I I don't want to ramble on for like 20 more minutes about it but these are some of the things that I've learned how to do to take better action yeah no I love that again it just it just boils back down to your intentionality I mean you write down this goal this purpose of the book your intention of the particular book and then you have an action step afterwards uh I think that that's just the best I mean whenever you have a meeting with someone or your team like you know I talk about it all the time when I'm leading my real estate team like you know what are you going to do today what's your big Focus today what's your action step today and you do the same things with book and I think just TR Minds around that I think is just huge it's a simple strategy uh but it's just huge for implementing what exactly you're reading I want to talk about because you talk about this in your book um in our world the entrepreneurial world uh there's the 10x formula there's the you know hey let's think huge let's go big let's shoot for the moon and I want to talk about that but you say um sometimes maybe setting realistic goals right some people just are unrealistic they want to go from zero Z to A Million Dollar business in that first particular year or or uh or or maybe setting more realistic goal you talked about the leads instead of setting you know I want to do 15 or 20 new leads by the end of December maybe it's just two can you talk about setting realistic goals versus unrealistic goals and then go into this you know the bigger is better shoot for the moon the 10x strategy can you talk about that in your own life yes absolutely I my my thought thoughts on this are always changing admittedly but here's how I view things today when you're first starting in your reading process I'll kind of answer this from two different angles it'll all makes sense I think so when you're first starting in your reading journey I say focus on quantity not quality meaning read as many books as humanly possible don't worry about retaining information or implementing information your goal is just to get a good understanding of what's available in the world of personal development and as you grow and and you start to build your business or you start to build yourself you can then start to narrow in on exactly what problems you want to solve or skills that you want to develop and I think once you've read a number of books quality eventually becomes more important than quantity I think the same thing happens with goal setting when you're first starting out I think it's really important to focus on small manageable steps in the right direction that you can sustainably consistently complete for a long period of time for years then as you start to build this rock solid foundation that you can operate from so you're no longer operating from a place of financial scarcity Health scarcity happiness scarcity whatever the case is like you are unshakeable then I think it's okay to start operate start setting bigger and bigger goals that's just my experience yeah when I was first starting my agency book thinkers every time we set huge unrealistic goal we would fail to take action because it was just not like how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time a bite is a small manageable step in the right direction whereas if you tried to eat the elephant in one bite you will fail trying to do that so I just saw in my own Universe every time we try to shoot for the moon we didn't even shoot like nothing would happen but every time we said like let's let's aim for a few steps up the rung of the ladder we would achieve it and that would give us a foundation to operate from them we would end up making more success so here I am uh my agency has 10 people you know we're now servicing a couple hundred authors a year we're starting to take bigger jumps because we have a rock solid foundation to operate from I just think that far too often there's this idea of the Unicorn entrepreneur the billion dollar startup and that's not realistic for most people remember that 95% of small businesses fail in the first five years and that's because they're trying to eat the elephant in one bite instead of one bite at a time no I love that that's my rant yeah no I think and I think there's a saying that goes like we compare if we're just getting started we compare ourselves to somebody else who's been doing it for 25 years right yeah exactly um and uh and I was I'm doing something right now like some Fitness sorts of things and he was saying you know one of the biggest mistakes in the fitness industry guys might go from zero to trying to do like 75 hard which is very challenging instead of doing that hey just just go walk outside for three minutes a day right and just start there so just kind of like building yourself up uh with that and let's just go into habits a little bit as we kind of wrap up uh this particular show because you talk a lot about habits in in your particular book uh I think a lot of the books that you've read have helped you develop these certain habits whether it's your routine in the mornings your routine in the evenings um even getting rid of bad habits and I think maybe let's just go there a little bit uh because a lot of times we have to get get rid of the bad um so that we can replace with the good habits what in your own life were some of the habits that you had to replace that you find yourself getting stuck in well when I was in my early 20s I was somebody who loved to go out to the bar have a bunch of drinks party all night sacrifice my sleep wake up in the morning sort of hung over and then go try to work and uh I had to remove those activities I mean today I focus a lot on my diet I focus a lot on my sleep and I just look at that version of myself it was less than 10 years ago where I was engaging in that behavior a few nights a week and I think who the heck was that guy yeah so by removing the consistent late nights out by removing the alcohol and the caffeine in the evening by removing the the sacrificial sort of like sleep habits that I had I've been focusing more on those things I've become a more energetic more productive happier more fulfilled person so a lot of those things I've replaced a lot of bad habits related to my diet I give an example in the book with Doritos I used to eat two or three or four bags of spicy nacho Doritos every single week like big bags I was just I love the food and uh it didn't represent itself physically on me because I had a pretty good metabolism and I was in the gym all the time but it just always made me feel bloated and sort of killed my energy and so yeah now I focus again so much on diet on Fitness on routine on energy and uh on working smarter not harder and all of those things have have really helped me out yeah and that's a big word that I've been focusing on lately is Just Energy uh so I'm I'm in a different season of you but own a business do the podcast just wrote a book have a family wife four kids uh my energy is very important I have to have a lot of it and uh if something zaps it um it it can just take me down so I'm always trying to find ways to increase my energy um obviously you talk about you know some of the nutritional things in your book working out things like that but I even talked about like you're a big minerals vitamins uh taker you're always trying to increase uh your and I think again your energy because you need a lot of it and a lot of times we go the wrong way and I go the wrong way like I try to artificially create energy which doesn't help can you talk talk to us about that a little bit yes I'll give I'll give a slightly different answer but I'll go back to the supplementation everything too one of the practices that I didn't put in the book but I've been doing for the last year I sort of wish I put it in the book is an energy audit on my calendar so I live out of my Google Calendar everything's in there and what I'll do every once in a while maybe once a quarter is I'll go back a couple of weeks and I'll look at an entire week's worth of activity and right inside of Google I'll change events to Red that took energy away from me I'll change events to Yellow that were neutral sort of like whatever and I'll change events to Green if they brought me energy and my goal using Tim Ferris is framework from the 4-Hour Work week is to automate eliminate or delegate everything that took energy away from me and if I have the space the time the energy and the staff and the bandwidth anything that was neutral I only want to do things that bring me energy and that can change over time like I love being featured on podcasts and and being interviewed by amazing people like you, Brett, because it gives me a platform and an opportunity to think and get challenged and share some of my greatest life lessons. So this is green on my calendar, but some administrative task that I have to do given the responsibilities that I have in my business that I don't enjoy doing, I'll turn that red. And I'll say, 'you know what I've got to find a way to Outsource this.' So that's a great way to focus on energy and on top of that I think the biggest change that I've had for energy over the last maybe four years was I started getting outside. First thing in the morning walking the dog in the woods for an hour um and just getting that sunlight before I consume caffeine and there are a lot of very fancy sort of sciency reasons for this but if you can hydrate yourself properly and delay your caffeine intake for a few hours get some sunlight in your eyes feel that sun in the fresh air it does wonders for my energy and removes any type of caffeine crash that I could have had previously in the afternoon.

I love that. I love that. I love the calendar so I think you know my audience out there if you're listening uh you know look at your calendar what is zapping your energy what's giving you energy uh you know one tip that I've actually had was this is something I've always wanted to do uh but I've never seen anyone do it in in my space particularly but I live in Fort Wayne Indiana I have to drive to Indianapolis Indiana which is two hours away once or twice per week well that zaps my energy driving takes energy right and I can't do the things I want to do because I'm driving so we just hired a driver right because now I just went there yesterday there and back didn't even feel it I walk in I'm refreshed I didn't even feel like CU because I didn't have to drive takes the energy so what on your calendar out there is zapping your energy and color coding I love that so uh Nick man it's been awesome thank you so much for being on the podcast today rise of the reader available uh right now on Amazon also wherever else you can get rise of the reader I think you just passed 100 reviews probably by the time time you hear this it's going to be a lot higher than that so thank you so much and uh also I'm actually going to be on your podcast book thinkers so appreciate that Nick uh so much everything that you do for your audience any last tips for audience out there before we wrap it up?

Well if anybody listen to today's conversation and they're saying wow I think I'm missing out on this whole reading thing I should get into books but you don't know where to start send me a direct message on Instagram at book thinkers and just tell me about a problem you're you're facing that you just can't get rid of or a skill set that you want to develop that will help you professionally or personally and I will probably ask some follow-up questions, but I will provide a custom book recommendation to anybody that wants one so that offer is available to anybody out there.

I just I love the idea that the right book at the right time can change somebody's life and that's what we preach in our community, so that's available to anybody else that's out there. Awesome! Well thank you so much, Nick, for being with us today. I love what you're doing, man. Wish you all the best. This a wrap Nick Hutchison, thank you so much, buddy.

Appreciate you Brett. Thank you.