Healthy Family
May 4, 2022

Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World | Parent Self-Reliant Value Creation Kids | Scott Donnell

Value Creation minded kids will become the future leaders.




It's hard being a parent in today's culture. Good parents want to know "How do you raise Godly children in today's culture?" Learning how to raise children correctly can seem impossible sometimes. Many times parents tend to overcorrect from their parents' mistakes which just creates more mistakes. And the way systems are set up for our kids, it seems to make them remain kids longer, and they can't think for themselves or really take care of themselves.

With the way kids come out of college, many parents wish they had never sent their kids to college. It leaves us stuck asking ourselves, "How do I raise kids I actually like?" It's important to understand that we're trying to raise kids to be adults, not kids to remain children. With that in mind, there are actually very effective and practical ways to raise up our children exactly the way we want them to turn out.

You can actually easily shape your children to be more grateful, caring, self-reliant, emotionally intelligent, free thinking and financially literate. Scott Donnell helps teach thousands of parents how to not make parenting mistakes that will ruin a child's growth.

Scott Donnell teaches parents how to prepare your children for the world. He helps show parents how their kids can thrive in everything they do as they grow. It all starts with learning the mindset of Value Creation.

Scott wrote the book Value Creation Kid: The Healthy Struggles Your Children Need to Succeed. Scott dives deep in tried and true methods of giving your children an incredible advantage for their life journeys. Scott helps teach a Home Economy System for families, so that kids become critical thinkers and entrepreneurial minded in everything they do. So they become goal oriented and results driven rather than wasting time and effort needlessly for failed paths. This is one way kids prosper when they understand what it means to create value first.

This system helps parents much more easily teach their children about money, and how to make finances fun for kids. But money is only a tool, value creation is the key to finding financial success, as well as emotional and spiritual success.

Scott teaches the 3 E's - Expectation, Expenses, Extra-Pay. When you do these three correctly, your kids won't ask you for money anymore. They'll learn budgeting, delayed gratification, value of goods, trade off of goods. They won't have an entitled attitude. They can prosper without having to complain about a silver spoon in their mouth. But they also won't have a poverty mindset that keeps them defeated. This strategy works much more effectively than old systems of allowance, busy chores, selfish thinking. This helps children understand their roles and responsibilities in their family, but it also gives them great ingenuity and motivation for how to understand and grow the life-giving natural gifts that they have.

Watch as Brett gains a lot of wisdom dialoguing with Scott Donnell about how to truly prosper your kids and your whole family. This is very much a legacy building tool for future generations to prosper from as well.

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Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World | Parent Self-Reliant Value Creation Kids | Scott Donnell

Money is a tool. It's a store of value. So we have to take this a further step back with our kids and say, "Hey, let's create value everywhere we go first!" And the way to do that is to put your children through what we call Healthy Struggles. A healthy struggle is simply putting a kid in a situation where they can grow and learn Practical skills, Life-skills, practical skills, Financial skills. We have 90 of those types of things in our book, and the goal is: put them through those Cycles before they leave your home, and they're going to have an unfair Advantage for the rest of their life.

-BRETT: What's going on this is Brett Snodgrass with another episode of The Iron Deep Podcast. Got Mr Scott Donnell on the podcast with me today. What's going on Scott?

SCOTT: - Doing well, man. Life is beautiful. How are you doing?

BRETT: - Yeah, man. Doing fantastic. Thanks for being on the Iron Deep Podcast today, man. Really looking forward to this episode. You know, just really catches my attention that Dr Benjamin Hardy said, "Scott is the leading voice in teaching kids about money." So super excited about what you're doing. So... if you guys haven't heard of Scott Donnell, bestselling author of "Value Creation Kid." We're going to be talking about that book today. Also the founder of Gravy Stack, under the umbrella Dinner Table. We're talking about the app the technology that you're using to really teach kids how to have a healthy struggle in their life and just this need to succeed. How to teach them about Financial Competency. So I'm super excited about that, man. But my first question is this, Scott. Like... take yourself back. You're growing up as a kid. Did someone teach you this? When did you start to learn some of these different things? You're talking about creating value, financial competency... What was your childhood like?  

SCOTT: - Yeah so... Amazing life! Seven businesses, 7 million families served. Bunch of exits, but I was raised on a lot of this stuff, and I come from four generations of really successful entrepreneurs who made hundreds of millions or billions of dollars - and never passed it on.  

BRETT: - Wow

SCOTT: - They gave it to widows and orphans. And they taught me to fish. And I I couldn't be more thankful, man. I'm telling you. Like seriously! Like we have an unbelievable family - deep and rich relationships - and I have zero impostor syndrome - zero guilt, fear, shame, Silver Spoon... none of it. And the baton has been passed to me. And now I get to go create value for countless millions of people around the world because of the strategies that they taught me. And you know money is definitely one piece of it. You know... you can't homework money. This is why everybody rails against the education system and schools. But you can't teach this stuff through homework. You have to actually do it in the real world. Kids have to earn to learn. They have to have expenses to cover to learn budgeting. It's that easy. But you got to have systems to do it, and so that's why we built Gravy Stack. It's a bank for teens and kids ages six and up that teaches them how to earn, save, spend, share, and invest with real money... with a debit card. And it allows parents to give their kids a system in the home to be able to create value everywhere they go and learn all the money skills the right way. And nobody else is doing it because nobody else knows how to do this. Everybody else does allowance, which is Socialism. And everybody else just makes their kids do chores, which is basically a 100-year old way of thinking that doesn't really work. And you have tons of conflict in the home around making them do chores. They're constantly asking you for money and stuff. And so we just have a way to solve all that and make life way more peaceful in home. So that's the point of Gravy Stack the app. And it's free to download. You just go to the App Store, download it, start the bank account, start giving your kids gigs to do, and expenses to cover, and it's all automated. Very easy! And they're off and running.

BRETT: - Can you can you dive into Gravy Stack a little bit more. I mean, obviously I've been checking it out. Obviously there's bank accounts out there for... I can go to Chase Bank. I can open up a bank account for my teen, for my kid...  You do it obviously a little bit different where there's a system. There's an operation to it. Talk to us about just how it works rather than just another app with another device to your child. And just, you know, you forget about it in a week.

SCOTT: - Yep! All the other bank accounts suck! Let's just put it that way. In fact, you know Chase Bank spent $300 million last year on financial literacy? Did you ever hear about it? Me neither. It's because Banks make money when you're bad at banking. Let's be honest. Okay. They don't teach Financial competency, and it's in their best interest. And then even the kid bank accounts out there. You know I know a bunch of these green light and go Henry and busy kid and copper blah blah blah all these other companies they do allowance and no kids ever log in or almost no kids like 4% of them ever even log in and do anything your kids do not need to learn how to spend your money there you go and when it comes to teaching these skills all they're using these other bank accounts for is to either plant money for their college in the future which we can have that conversation if you want or they just give them money on a debit card to spend because it's easier than cash in a in a piggy bank that's all these companies are doing that doesn't teach them anything about financial competency it actually teaches them entitlement it's the opposite so yeah I don't like any of them the only way to do this is what gravy stack is doing which which is a system in the home that we call the Home economy system it's the best way to teach teenagers or young kids or even college kids are using this a ton of them you you have what we call the Home economy system and it's the replacement for allowance and chores it actually teaches them all the capabilities they need to succeed in the real world okay happy to walk you through it if you want but that's the way to go man you can't homework money you got to do it and allowance to socialism yeah yeah well you're exactly right there's always just this battle between parents and kids the kids want money uh so the Parents try to to do their best give them some sort of allowance and they try to make it fair so everybody gets the same uh when one kid might do more than the other um let's just switch it over obviously you have this book called the value creation kid talk to us about just the importance of kids learning to create value uh because a lot of times again parents they might give the kids money but they're just trying to think of busyness to get them to do but you you have this value creation and and then teaching these kids early about creating value how do you maybe how do you do that in your own home or when did you start and how how did you guys do it yeah so so our book value creation kid the healthy struggles your children need to succeed it's the antidote to entitlement and spoiling and victimhood and anxiety for kids if you teach your kids to create value everywhere they go it's the best way to raise future adults not more children okay and so this idea of creating value is so critical because what you need to do is you have to give your kids a lens to see the world all right and that lens needs to be how can I create value today for others and there's three types of value there's material value emotional value and spiritual value okay and material value is what you create and produce in the world right the result of that is usually Financial right these are the people who find wants and needs of others and get them to them they're the people who are solving problems in the world that creates material value this is how you teach a kid to get the job or get the promotion right this is how kids need to learn that the world actually works you should not be getting paid the same amount of month same amount of money every week for existing that's why allowance should is not a good idea okay um emotional value is another type of value um it's how you think and feel and help others think and feel better this is what makes for great friends the captain of the team the leader in any situation a great sibling teach them to create emotional value to help others think and feel better everywhere they go and then spiritual value right this is connecting people to something outside themselves to something above themselves a bigger calling or mission to God if you will right I love Jesus but there's a lot of way spiritual values created you know when we when we sent a man to the moon and and said we're going to bring him home safely by the end of the decade in the 60s right that was the last time our country was so United as one immense spiritual value okay so there's three buckets here and and we need to be teaching kids if you just go to money it becomes identity if you just start with money and you go money is either good focus on it or it's bad we're not going to talk about it which is most families if it's bad it's a poverty mindset in one hand and out the other the next day if it's all you talk about and then it's keeping up with the Joneses right it's status it's achievement right it's shopping therapy later on in life you know money trauma is a real thing we can talk about that next but the point here is what what is money money is a tool it's a store of value right so we have to take this a further step back with our kids and say hey let's create value everywhere we go first and then you'll never have to worry about what you're going to do when you grow up right you'll learn how to create value everywhere you go and the way to do that is to put your children through what we call Healthy struggles and it's not paying for everything for them covering everything for them fighting the teacher for better grades fighting the coach for more playing time bringing them their lunch every time they do it grading their homework every night so they never have to deal with the teacher saying you did it wrong you know let them skin their knees a little a healthy struggle is not trauma abuse neglect even tough love that's not what a healthy struggle is a healthy struggle is simply putting a kid in a situation where they can grow and learn practical skills and capabilities in the world emotional skills relationship skills business skills life skills practical skills Financial skills we have 90 of those types of things in our book and the goal is get those 90 in them and put them through those Cycles before they leave your home and they're going to have an unfair Advantage for the rest of their life simple as that okay that's that's the value creation mindset and it and by the way we learn that from studying the top hundred families in the world so for the last 10 years my obsession has been trying to find the best H hundred families in the world that have the best legacies and when I say Legacy I don't mean trumps and Rothchilds and you know billionaires when I say Legacy I mean generation after generation Blows By the previous one your kids and grandkids and great grandkids Blow by every generation in their their family values their depth of relationships their financial skills their mindsets their value they create the impact they make in the world if you do that three or four generations in a row you're doing something right and so my my quest really over the last decade has been to try to find the best in the world and sit with them these are now our friends I have 300 pages of notes from these people and as I sit and learn and now we have groups of people in that are a lot of these families that help us learn and grow and teach others those are the people that taught us our 18 strategies so we have 18 strategies for family Legacy and the value creation mindset is the first one that's why we wrote the book on it because we want to teach our kids to create value in the world first not money because money is a store of of value so money should be gained by creating one type of value but there's a lot more ways to create value do you know who Sharon Lecter is by any chance Dar Lector name sounds really familiar um she's the Godmother of financial literacy okay she did Rich she wrote Rich Dad pette okay yeah yep she did the cash flow game 14 International best sellers unbelievable woman she lives here in Phoenix with me okay when we wrote her book when we wrote value creation kid it popped off like it hit number two on Wall Street Journal it was crazy Sharon uh met me and she's like Scott you have no idea how powerful this book is in all of her work she's impacted hundreds of millions of people he said the number one thing that changed my life was when I was a kid my dad every night before I'd go to bed he would ask me one question and it was this who did you add value to today she said it was the number one question that gave her a framework for looking at the world for how could she could create value everywhere she went and she said it's one of the best best questions you could ever ask your kids and I agree who who did you add value to today material emotional or spiritual value what an unbelievable way to raise kids forget gentle parenting or helicopter parenting or free range parenting whatever the heck of that stuff is this is the best way to go teach your kids to create value in the world and they'll they'll be set for life no that's awesome uh and that's just that's a great question to kind of instill into your homes and it takes a lot of the kind of the anxiety out of it right it takes uh oh how am I going to do this what system what what meeting family meeting am I going to have and and and and coaching my kids up because you know one of the questions that what if the kids don't listen to me but that's just a great question um to instill that's just a very simple way um because again you're talking about generation after generation after generation I was reading your book and some of the questions that people in our world ask where I you know I talk to a lot of male business owners um some of the things they might say is I want to give my kids what I never had I want my kids to have the opportunities that I never had I want my kids to have the stuff that I never had and that's that's a real that's a real thing right I mean people are saying those things but they're giving easy lives very very comfortable lives and they're not we're we're raising children to be children yeah yeah you know our goal is not to raise children our goal is to raise future adults right um and here's what happens every generation tends to overcorrect from how they were brought up this issue of money it's this issue of money trauma that that I started talking about last month and it's starting to catch fire nobody ever talks about money as trauma but it probably affects every decision you're ever going to make for the rest of your life and you know why I think money trauma is one of the most serious issues in our lives and we all have it it's the only trauma that you wake up and work for for the rest of your life every other trauma as painful and miserable as they can become are acute but you're not working for them for the rest of your life with money it affects everything so the way you were raised whether you came from nothing and you have you know barely making payroll or covering the bills or living paycheck to paycheck and it was like you know Lord of the Flies growing up and you came from nothing well those people immediately get raised and they have a hustle mindset they have a money identity that's around keeping up with the Joneses this is my achievement status, and then I'm going to make sure my kids never have to deal with any of that right the other side and then they overcorrect and they entitle and they spoil them the other side they were raised with a silver spoon Mom and Dad paid for everything they had a cushy upbringing no no no one will ever say I had an easy life but they did okay like things were paid for com creaturely Comforts were cared for they got everything they needed and then when they grow up they went through the spoiling entitled victimhood stages and then they have kids and they're like oh man I'm not I'm not going to raise my kids that way I'm gonna put them through the School of Hard Knocks right I'm going to make sure that they do every little piece right and that can cause unlimited harm right and so you just people tend to overcorrect from generation to generation and what we're saying is the what you don't heal from you pass

down if you don't heal from these different traumas all of them but especially money you're going to you're going to overcorrect and screw up your kids in the exact opposite way that you got screwed up okay and the way through this is to learn from it and to be balanced in your approach approach money is not good or bad it's a store of value and you need to start having these open conversations in your home with your kids so that they can have the right view of money and identity right that's the goal here most families that we interviewed they said we you know the kids reported to us that money was the biggest fight in the home parents say things like we can't afford that money doesn't grow on trees do you even know how much that cost do you know how hard I work to get you guys this and you blew it or you took it for granted they see parents argue over travel and work and bills and stress and they say forget money man I'm just going to hang out hang out with my friends play video games do Sports not even think about the money side no wonder why this stuff isn't actually trained in the home it's traumatic right so we we want to make it like a fluid conversation in home even if you don't know everything or you didn't do everything right as a parent which you never do you can learn these things and help your kids Thrive and not make it everything but also not be financially incompetent right you want to make this a balanced approach in the home and so that's why really and gravy stacker that's why we exist you know I was just speaking at an event 2700 entrepreneurs in the audience and I was like raise your hand if you were taught all the money skills growing up and you're really thankful about all of it zero hands nobody's taught this stuff yeah yeah no it's it's uh it's really true so I W to kind of shift a little bit so we have a lot of probably dads and moms listen of this but mostly dads I'd say entrepreneurs business world I probably lean more towards raising entitled types of kids we get a lot of stuff right and we keep accumulating and I look at all this stuff and I'm like wow like how do we get so much stuff like we have so much and uh and and I don't like that um we've done allowance so where do we get started right because a lot of times you talk about overcorrecting and there's a lot of ways that I'm even thinking about my own life where I've overcorrected where my like my dad he was a he was a coach he pushed me really hard with with Athletics so I probably don't push my kids right at all um so I've over correct in certain ways but let's say hey we're entrenching this home we're doing some of these things that you're saying oh don't do allowance uh don't have entitled kids or you know and start talking about something but we haven't done it already and now I got eight-year old 10 year old and and certain I have a 17y old how do we start because a lot of times even as entrepreneur is like yeah we're gonna do this all right family here we go this is exactly and we just blow it out of the water but then but no one catches on so like what's a what's a what's a healthy way to embrace to bring this into the home but not to uh go crazy and make the family crazy with it so let me start with this and then I'll tell you the home economy system okay if people want to have a huge jump in their family and really get these things like operationalized in the home go to info. put in put in your name and your email and we will send you our 18 strategies for family Legacy they are simple easy and then if you want to talk to our team and grab a course join their next Workshop that's the best way to go to really implement this stuff from a parent level or a grandparent level even if you have adult kids it doesn't matter how late you are in the game here you can start at any time and this stuff changes okay it's like a light bulb going from off to on so go to info. put your info in we'll send you guys the strategies and we'll have a call with you with one of our experts and we'll help your family right away okay awesome thank you um but here's the home economy system this is the second of the 18 strategies I'll just I'll walk you through a high level of it the home economy system is three e expectations expenses and extra pay just remember those three okay and if you do these three right they learn budgeting they learn delay gratification they learn how the price of goods tradeoffs between goods okay and you'll have no more conflict over chores and it's an easy system to put in place where they never ask you for money and stuff ever again that's a heck of a win all right and they won't be entitled and spoiled so here are the three EAS and it's not allowance right because that's codependency and it's not even chores because chores you have conflict over all the time and some people say well I give allowance for chores well half those chores you shouldn't pay for and the other half those chor you should pay one off because they need to learn to create value first and then get rewarded for it and then if you don't pay anything and they just do their chores like they're told well now you're paying for everything and they learn nothing about money so the home economy system is expectations expenses extra pay the expectations are the free things that they do without Financial reward it's their role in the family we should never pay our kids to make their bed and clean their room and start their day off the right way way do their homework dishes trash like that right so once you set those up then you go to the expenses because once you pass off expenses to your kids they have a motive to earn it's the only way to give 95% of kids a motive to earn 5% of kids don't need a motive they just like pop out of the womb how am I making money mom where am I making money dad those are the entrepreneurial DNA kids yeah 95% of kids need a motive and the way to give them a motive is to give them expenses so we have 12 categories that we train on a few of them it starts with toys games tech make them be in charge of something in each sport that they do like an piece of equipment or clothing okay they don't have to pay for your travel or whatever but have them be in charge of something birthday presents for their friends social outings social trips cavities for God's sakes give them things to be in charge of that you are no longer paying for and now you save hundreds of dollars a month to pay them in the extra gigs don't say chores because that's not what we're talking about here we call them gigs because chores are linked to um more homework for them and and it's an annoyance the gigs the way that we set it up is fun and they're intrinsically motivated to go create value everywhere so it starts with some of the stuff that you may think are chores but it's a huge fun more fun list so start with like make a meal wash the windows yard work sweep the garage organize a closet bathroom but all these things that around the house then you add in brain gigs which makes the whole thing fun a brain gig is teaching a child to use their brain as their business we never do this as parents but you and I our brain is our business right mhm so why not give your kids a podcast to listen to and tell you two things they Lear learned and one thing they're going to apply to their life and they get five bucks teach them the right stuff that they're that I know you they're not learning in school right a Prager you video right one of one of our hundred families they pay their grandkids 10 bucks for every Prager youu video they watch and they give them a one paragraph report on it and what they're going to apply to their life Wow and they've paid out thousands of dollars to their grandkids way better than inheritance way better an unbelievable dinner conversation start okay and you can do this as a grandparent with your grandkids even if they don't live near you right a book um a TED talk and then we have over a hundred really practical challenges that kids can do for money around the house that help Mom and Dad here's one plan the next family trip on a budget your 10-year-old or 11-year-old can do all that an 8-year-old my seven-year-old just did it they plan the next trip three flights three hot Hots are we going to Uber rent a car where are we going to eat what are we going to do it's all on a budget they're going to save you at least a grand and then they're going to own that trip they're gonna love that trip and they're going to learn all these skills in the process why don't you make your kids you know eat in versus eat out have them make dinner the same meal you're going to go out and pay a bunch of money for make it at home so they learn cooking skills and budgeting skills and grocery skills and all of a sudden you realize who we just saved 70% versus going out to eat the same meal at home and then and then they'll stop asking you to go out all the time and they'll appreciate what you do for the home more as a parent right there's aund of those a hundred of them in in the gravy stack app if people want to download the app just download it and go I promise you you're going to save like $1,000 in the first month seriously one of the challenges in there one of the brain gigs that the kids do is they cancel Mom and Dad's subscriptions that they don't want and then the average family saves $547 on that one challenge alone average we're families are in the thousands they didn't realize they were getting oneoff hits a year and all these monthly bills they didn't realize and the kids can just easily go cancel them call and log in and bang right there's a bunch of those so these are the things that you can do to make it fun so it's not just arguing over a list of chores where they get an allowance because they have no motivation okay so do the home economy system it's what all the best hund families did worldwide and then the beauty of this is the moment that they've mastered something in the home a capability or a skill that you've taught them at home by these doing these gigs they're going to go do it out in the world their neighbors the community family friends posted online we got kids doing websites and kids like learning copywriting and doing marketing and helping out with like businesses because they're learning these capabilities around the house MH there's we have 135 ways to make $1,000 on a Saturday as a kid or a teenager and they're all part of gravy stack and dinner tap so if you want your kids to succeed man go there yeah no I love it I think it's I think it's amazing and I think uh I think honestly it's funny how when you start getting your kids really involved in the funny thing kids don't know kids don't know how much things cost they don't know I was I was making a joke the day like most kids don't even know what Dad does like at all like they don't know like what's your dad what's your dad do for work I have no idea no idea and then when you ask kids when then when you ask kids what they want to do when they grow up trust me we we you know we're in 10,000 schools with our other companies they don't even have any idea what jobs there even are it's like fireman policeman teacher social media in they want to be famous on YouTube is what they want right that's yeah we we don't want to focus on degrees we should be focusing on skills love that so many people they think that the mark of good parenting is getting their kids off to college really you're going to raise your kids and invest $300,000 to raise them because that's the average cost and you're going to go you're going to make them pay or you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more to go to college to get indoctrinated in something you don't even agree with to get a degree that there's no job for them 85% of college graduates never use their degree in their job okay we got to rethink what good parenting is when it comes to college you I'm not saying college is bad I'm saying you need to understand the ROI of college okay and if you just think it's your job to pay for everything for your kids it's the fastest way to create victim adults that are entitled it's the fastest way so Focus instead on what lights your kids up not not what they want to do when they grow up what lights them up and you focus on that and then hone those skills if a kid likes making people feel better when they're done hanging out with them that could be a counselor or a psychiatrist that could be a comedian there's a hundred things that each skill could do in the world to create value let them learn that help them with that don't just put them in some track where they go through the assembly line education system to go get a degree somewhere and then they expect to make six figures when they've gotten their diploma ain't gonna happen awesome what do you do um this is we wrap up the show here I want to just ask which I think I know the answer but I want to hear it from you what do you do when you have an entrepreneurial kid that is a go-getter he's hungry he loves making money he's gonna look at that whole gigs list and he he's going after it and he's making hundreds of hundreds of dollars and then his brother he's not like that and he doesn't do that um and there's conflict there what do you how do you handle that struggle and I'm probably asking for my personal yeah I can tell my personal parentals every every family has these things every kid's built differently different wiring so with your kids um the conversation that you want to start with is doesn't matter if you become an entrepreneur or not someday we want you to learn to become entrepreneurial, okay? An entrepreneurial kid finds wants and needs. They solve problems. They learn empathy, customer service. They're looking around them everywhere to find Value. Okay? Every kid should learn that. I don't care if you're going to be an entrepreneur or not that's the one that's going to get the job first they'll get the promotion first they're going to get the you know captain of whatever okay just start there but when it comes to this home economy system that we just walked through here's the conversation that you have with your kids here you go hey buddy here's the deal mom and dad were talking and we feel like we want to give you more freedom and trust and responsibility like in our home and in the world do you want that 100% of kids say yes okay so we've been thinking we want you to kind of be in charge of some things now we want you to choose like what you're going to buy and be in charge of like paying for B like you're GNA you're going to pick it you're going to learn it and we want to find a way for you to make like two three four five times as much money every week just by like a really cool list of things that some are things around the house some are really cool things that you do on online or learn ways to help our family how you feel about doing that for more responsibility and freedom 100% of kids say yes they're eager for this man and when you get your kids to start thinking about results rather than time and effort when it when it comes to money you have turned their light bulb on for the rest of their life okay I'll give you an example I was just talking to this family the lind the linum family in Colorado they have a 12-year-old son and he who's mowing lawns doing the hard work ethic I said okay let's see how much money you can make in a day he made $71 good job but he was charging $9 an hour and he was exhausted I said that's time and effort based thinking my friend let me teach you how to charge for results I want to go to the next door that you go to and ask them if they'd pay you $40 to mow their lawn and trim the hedges and then I want you to do it as fast as you can and he did it in 20 minutes flat and he he made a th000 in a day wow 71 to ,000 wow because he was focusing on results not time and effort if you get your kids to think that way about money their future unlocks and it's and it has to do with creating value first right you create value and you set up your financial world to be getting paid off of results not time and effort you're not going to fall for the hourly wage stuff you're not going to fall for even salary stuff right salaries aren't bad they're just a grownup version of allowance especially if there's no project deadline bonus like accountability involved most people think they should just get a job and get paid monthly salary just for existing and that's not how businesses work right so you want your kids to thrive financially teach them those little things and it doesn't matter where they're at some kids parents say oh my kids are lazy they play their video games and they don't even they act like they didn't even hear me when I'm talking to them you got to hit the motivation levels you hit the motivation levels it's like hey you're going to this birthday party you can't even go if you don't buy the present with your own money you just set up the healthy struggle in a healthy way they're like okay I want to go to that I need to get it I'm going to make some money you know and then they can't spend it all on the present because they have to save 20 or 30% and share 10% and they only get 60% left or 70% left so they're learning all these skills you just got to set up the system okay no I love that I love that well thanks so much Scott for for talking about you know all this is awesome um you know I know that I want to get involved with gravy stack the um value creation kid where's the what what do I start again I know you talked about the email we can put that in our show notes on our YouTube channel um but I want to learn the system I want my I want my kids to learn these things this is really important and this is something that I'm always thinking about but again you again a lot of entrepreneurs we start stuff we have great ideas oh we're going to do this do this do this and then it just doesn't quite stick and then it falls off and then we end up frustrated frustrated yeah so the book If you like to read or listen to audible grab the book on Amazon value creation kid the app is free to download and go um the app is created in a way where all of these gigs that you create and expenses that you pass off it's automated and auto repeating so it is a system that's sustainable and easy that's why we did it the gigs repeat daily weekly monthly or they one-off it's an Easy System One Click so I like that too because again when when I look at my home like I I'll try to put these things these gigs and these things to do and then the kids overwhelm me because they just want more they're like what else can we do dad what else can we do and I'm like I don't know like I'm in the app in the app the kids go in themselves and find things that they can do to help around the house awesome and then it's one click and they have a weekly payday and it's all automated you get to print out for the fridge so no more whiteboards and checklists and whatever you know if you do it for a month and quit because it's too much work and then you run out of $1 bills right and then you're like forget it I'm not going to go to the bank again go to the bank an IOU that's right this automates it and it's the fastest way for them to start saving you money as a family making money outside the home teaching them all the skills and then dinner table is is really you know for us it's like Pavlov's dog you don't train the dog you train the owner so we want to train parents right so dinner table is where you go if you're a parent to start learning these things so if you go to put in your information we'll send you the 18 family uh Legacy strategies and then if you want to you know book a call you know my the biggest thing we're focusing on as a company right now is we're training and certifying people to be able to coach this to everyone in their life okay so if you love this content and you're like I need to transform all the families in my community or my clients or my employees or my local church School come get certified with us it's like an easy six figure business in a box or you can just get the training and give it to your employees or clients and that's that's our licensing program for dinner table so if you the same link if you're interested in that click there talk to one of our experts and then we'll help you guys with your family first and then everybody else in your life

BRETT: - I love it I love it so much. Amazing information. Scott, thank you so much. We're going to put that in our show notes on our website at Also our YouTube channel. Check that out. We thank you so much for being on the podcast today. Guys, make sure you guys go get the book Value Creation Kid. Get Gravy Stack. Awesome information! Thanks so much, Scott.

SCOTT: - Thanks so much appreciate it.