Healthy Business
May 4, 2022

Stop Hustling And Start Your Land Business Today

Land Maverick Society

Everyone has the potential to flip vacant lands, no matter the economy. You can begin today, even with your current career! Today, Jaren Barnes, the man behind the Land Maverick Society, shares his insights on how entrepreneurs can start their own land business. As an anti-hustler and a pro-lifestyle, he also provides value in forging your path towards wealth building on the land business. Jaren’s failure led him forward to his triumph, for he deals with the emotional work blocking his path to success. Be inspired by this episode and start to forge your success in the land business.

Stop Hustling And Start Your Land Business Today With Jaren Barnes

Land Maverick Society

I have Jaren Barnes on the show with me. My good old friend, Jaren Barnes. If you guys don't remember Jaren, me and him were on the Simple Wholesaling podcast at the first 100 episodes together. He is back. Him and his wife, Asea, lead the Land Maverick Society, which is a fast-growing land-flipping group and they provide unparalleled support, including deal funding up to $250,000. He is a man who loves Jesus with all of his heart. He's raising his family. He's running his business. He's coaching. He's encouraging. Here he is, Mr. Jaren Barnes.

IDP 23 | Land Business

I have an old friend, good friend, Jaren Barnes. What's up, Jaren?

What's up? I am getting old now. I used to be the youngest one of the crew. Can you believe it?

I remember when you were 25, we were hanging out and doing all sorts of stuff together. Jaren, you don't need any introduction to our audience. Jaren and I go way back. He was a key contributor and key team member on our simple team here in Indianapolis. He did a lot of different roles. You did content creation. You're the dispositions manager. You have a soft place in my heart. We talked about Christ many times. We did worship nights at our office or prayer nights. We did that and we did podcasting together. We did 100 or so episodes together. You've been on the show other times on my personal show, as well as this. Here we are again. Thanks for joining the show.

We're going to talk about a little bit of everything. I know you're a Christ follower. You're a strong man. You have a family. You're raising two kids now with your wife, Asea. You have the Land Maverick Society, so you're a land flipper. Let's start with who Jaren Barnes is and take us through that a little bit.

If I were to sum it up, who is Jaren Barnes? I think I'm a coach. I think it took me a while to learn some things I could teach because you have to have something you can teach people. I think God has wired me to be somebody who works with people and empowers people. I've found my stride with Land Maverick Society. We're a "coaching program" but it's budding into something bigger, like a mastermind of sorts. Most coaches, you hire them and meet with them. You're like, "Here's my problem. Here's what I want to learn." They regurgitate a bunch of information like, "Here's a bunch of theory. Good luck implementing it."

I don't do that. I actually call back seller leads with the people that I work with. I walk them through how to call the county or how to call land-specialized agents. Literally everything from A to Z, I'm right there. I give everyone in our community my phone number. I have a rule about Saturdays. We could talk about Shabbat. Me and my wife have discovered that there's a blessing that comes from being serious about taking one day off a week. We have a bias towards Saturday. We go to church on Sunday, but from Friday night at 6:00 PM and all day Saturday, we're dead to the world. Ever since we made that one shift, everything has revolutionized in our business. Everything started taking off.

Before that, there was this perpetual hole in our pocket where we'd make money, but it would leave. Nothing stuck around, it felt like. After we started practicing Shabbat or Sabbath, we saw a complete shift. There's a blessing that comes from that. If you were to sum me up, I am wired to work with people, empower them, and get in the trenches with them.

We can go a lot of different directions on that, but you've always been an encourager, number one. Whenever I was going through something or a challenge, whether we're in business or not in business together, or you're on the team, or even post when you're on our team. I always came to you with encouragement. You're always such an encouragement. I think that's what a good coach does.

The difference between what you're doing and what other coaches will do, instead of giving theory, you'll get in the dirt. You'll get in the mud with someone. You'll not only tell them, but you'll teach them and show them. That's such a great way to coach. Can you give us an example? Maybe there's a story through your coaching that you can remember. Maybe a student or a client that you can take us through where this person had this problem and you not only told them but also helped and walked with them through it.

What comes to mind, I won't give names to protect the innocent. There's a particular coaching client of mine that took 2,000 units of mail, maybe 2,500, and divided it between 3 different states and multiple counties within those 3 different states. That was not what I would've advised him to do because, obviously if you're going to send out such a small amount of mail, you want to concentrate all of it into one county to try to maximize your ROI. If you think about it, if you divide up 2,500 units of mail over three states in multiple counties, each county might be getting 50 units of mail and that's not enough sample data to have anything happen.

He was a truck driver and didn't have much money to deploy toward more marketing. I can't do this for everybody. I probably shouldn't be telling people that I have done this before because people will be asking for it now, but I actually fronted the cost of his next mailer. We did another 2,500 units in Georgia and I called all the leads with him every single one. Previous to that, on that first campaign, anything that came in, he didn't sync up with my schedule or utilize how people could have access to me. We have Calendly and we defer to that because it's easier, but I'm a text away if we need to jump on a call to get back to a seller.

Sometimes, if the client's busy, I'll call the seller back myself. I've been doing that several times with people, just following up on leads. In this particular deal, we got one that came in that the owner lived right next door and wanted to parse off the property and sell it to us as vacant land. We ended up going through negotiations.

At first, the seller was like, "My buddy sold a property for $65,000 the other day." I was like, "I'm sorry, sir. I understand that, but as our letter indicated, we can't pay full market value for the property that we buy. We're probably going to be somewhere half that. Do you want us to still run through the process of giving you an offer and what have you?" He said, "If we can make a deal happy, I'd like that." We ended up getting the property for $25,500. We have it pending to be sold for a full list price offer of $55,000. We sold it for $55,000 and it's pending to be sold. We listed it on Friday. We got that offer on a Monday or Tuesday. It was powerful.

There are other things throughout the community that I think being a Christian and what it looks like to be a Christian in the workplace is to be on the lookout for people. There's somebody who I'm working with currently who lost their job. They got wrapped up in working with me and trying to do the land business when they had a job. Now, things are tight, and I don't have a computer that's functional. I was like, "I got a computer coming to you."

I am looking for ways to empower people because, long-term, I want everybody I work with to be successful and then lean on me for partnering on deals because that would be cool. I'd love to be able to be in a position where we are funding and partnering with 60% to 80% of our community ongoing, so they cherry-pick the best deals for themselves and bring the good deals to us, so that we can partner on.

I know you have launched Land Maverick Society. It's turning into something amazing. You have a lot of content coming out, like podcasting. You've gotten into the land business. I know you talk a lot about the land business, and you've been doing this for a while.

I started with you. I did my first deals with you. You funded all my first deals.

I know, but I find it fascinating, especially people that I've worked with and I get to see them. You've grown so much. You've faced a lot of challenges in your life as well. You also worked with REtipster. Probably not too recently, you decide, you've gone out on your own. There was a decision that you had to make and you're working with clients and students that maybe they're making decisions. When can I own my own thing or go out on my own or leave my particular job?

Can you take us through that story or journey a little bit? I know that was probably a very difficult decision for you. Was there something that happened that you're like, "Now, it's time throughout? I've worked for other organizations and done my own things, but now it's time for me to make my own mark and grow my own business." That's obviously where Land Maverick Society is starting and growing into now. Can you take us into that?

I can, but it's going to be very unconventional because I've never had the desire to work for myself. I just didn't care. I was a kid who pursued ministry, went after ministry, went after the kingdom, and went after God full force when I dropped out of university. I went to one year of college at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, and then I was like, "Skip this. I want to go do ministry." I met my wife on a mission trip and got married 2 days into being 20. I found out that life has these pesky things called bills. You have to pay those things. It’s annoying, especially as a husband. You actually care about and provide her the means to meet that.

Honestly, if somebody had paid me $10,000 a month and made it so we’re good, I probably would’ve been absolutely fine working with another company and helping grow something awesome that I cared about. Obviously, I work way better when I have autonomy and not being micromanaged and that kind of stuff. I've never been the textbook entrepreneur who was selling candy at two years old and wanted to do my own thing. It was maybe a God thing. Maybe I am destined to be working for myself.

I probably should have left REtipster, looking in hindsight, a lot sooner. I love working with Seth. Seth is an incredible friend and mentor. Similar to you, I owe him a lot as well. If I'm honest, I had put my land business as a second priority. My first priority was REtipster. From a financial standpoint, I kept trying to build out different courses and offerings through REtipster to try and increase the company revenue that could justify making a certain dollar amount per month where I could be good. The entire time that I worked there, I had to supplement my income with my land business.

I had built a course there called the House Hacker University. I have a house hack situation right now, which is pretty epic, but it flopped. Everything that I tried to do to increase revenue in order to justify an increase in pay never worked out. I got the wind knocked out of my sails, and then I jumped on board with a very intense project. I did a review for a CRM system for the land investing community called Pebble. I hit burnout really bad. Borderline crazy. It went in a really bad mental head space.

From there, my productivity dropped and the writing was on the wall. It was like, "I can't keep working for REtipster if I'm not able to consistently provide value there." It wasn't like I got fired or anything. It was more of a mutual release where it made sense. Seth suggested that I start coaching people in the land business. I started at that time ramping up my land business to try to supplement my income because I got two boys and a house. My wife's from Kazakhstan, so we don't have the same kind of boundary lines as a traditional white American family. All my in-laws live with us and we include them in our company and provide jobs for them. We have a lot more financial burden on us where we have to make more money.

From there, it was a good mutual parting of ways. I started coaching at Seth's suggestion and it seemed to work well. I work probably like a B-plus land investor. I'm good. I know what I'm doing. I can make money, but I'm probably a world-class coach. I'm wired for it. Never taken a course on it. Never read a book on coaching. Have no formal training. I am just able to get people results and distill down complex subject matters into practical action steps. I think it was meant to be.

In hindsight, I probably was a year and a half into REtipster a little bit too long because I didn't want to make the jump or maybe working for myself scared me. It definitely can get pretty thin sometimes. You do have months where revenue's a little low and it's a little bit tight or whatever. As long as you are intentional about managing it well and doing well, it works. Then it comes with benefits because eventually, once you figure something out, you can make a lot more money when you're the business owner.

Let's talk about the land business a little bit. Obviously, we talk about real estate on this particular show. We've had a lot of real estate investors on this. We do wholesaling. There are apartment syndications. We do seller financing rental properties. Some people do land. Sometimes land, I believe, gets overlooked. It's not as competitive. There are some things about land, but it's definitely not saturated, like the wholesaling house space or even there are a lot of podcasts on apartment buildings and how to do commercial properties. There's not a lot on land. There are some.

Obviously, you're putting out some amazing content on land but talk to us about this. You chose land 5 to 6 years ago. You got excited about land. We did a couple of deals together. There was something about land that you got passionate about and excited about. It's not the sexiest thing. You're not taking an ugly house and turning it into a pretty house. I guess you could develop land, but take us into land, the benefits of land, and what you've seen it do for yourself and even some of your students.

I want to echo everything that everybody assumes about land. It's boring. There's nothing to say. Go do other things. Leave us alone in the land community. Don't wake us up. It's great over here. All jokes aside, though, the reason why I got into the land business is because I was working for you at Simple Wholesaling. I wanted to utilize the skillset that I had developed as a wholesaler but did not want to be direct competition to you. We interviewed Jack Bosch and Seth Williams. Jack actually flew out to Indianapolis and I drove him around for a day looking at houses because he was considering buying some houses from us.

That was my first exposure, and then I realized that there was a huge overlap between the skill set of a house wholesaler and a land investor a land flipper, especially in the way that we were doing the business at Simple Wholesaling. I don't know how it is now, but at the time that I was working for you, we rarely assigned or double close. We would normally take title. Do a full close, take title, then turn around and resell it. That's literally the exact same model of land flipping.

The caveats or nuances that are a bit different is that in house wholesaling, it's hard to get a deal and easy to sell a deal. It's reversed in land. It's easy to get a deal and it's much harder to sell a deal. That was because, again, with houses, you're dealing with investor buyers. Repeat buyers. You can build a relationship with them and their criteria. Whereas with land, unless you get in bed with a developer or something, you're selling one-off to retail buyers.

The sales timeline is a little bit longer. Our average days on the market are about 70 days. I shoot to sell within 90. Sometimes, things might be 6 months on the market or 8 months on the market, but it's pretty rare. Whereas with houses, we would get an influx of ten properties. Sometimes, I'd sell them all in a day. It's a totally different world.

That's what piqued my interest in land, and then it was more honestly a matter of, "I know that this works. I just need to figure it out." I'm like a tortoise in the tortoise and the hare. I just inch and inch. I was at the time in my life where I was like, I can't have shiny object syndrome and go learn something else. I've done deals, I have proof of concept, and I need to figure out how to turn this into a viable business. I did. I held onto it long enough to finally figure it out.

I love that. Inch by inch, a song we listened to back in the day. I think he had a line in his song, I'm going to butcher the words, but, "You think that I just made it, but I've been doing this for ten years," is the line. I think that happens to entrepreneurs. People think, "Where did this guy come from? He's awesome." You're like, "I had been preparing. I've been grinding out for the first five years, learning how to do it, failing forward, and now here I am learning from all my mistakes."

IDP 23 | Land Business

I love that analogy of inch by inch because I've been doing real estate for 17 to 18 years, but everything's changed so much. I honestly feel like I'm a rookie most of the time. I still don't know how to do it and still figuring it out. That's cool. Talk about also, whatever business you do, you implement some sort of putting yourself out there, some sort of content, whether it's writing blogs, books, podcasting, or creating videos. You typically are creating.

I know that's part of your personality and I know that's important for businesses, but talk to us about that side of you. How has that impacted your business of thinking creatively and ways to continuously put yourself out there, creating content and creating value for people? Whether you're in the simple business REtipster or Land Maverick Society, too.

In this world, you have to create content. You might be able to get away with being a real local guy that's super networked into the local real estate scene or something, but it's harder without building a following and building a brand. If I could snap my fingers and make YouTube videos all day, I probably would because I do enjoy it, but it's a grind. Especially when it comes to video editing and having high-quality video stuff. It's a lot. You just have to do it.

If you don't do something, I don't do blogs anymore. I'm an 80/20 guy. I think videos and podcasts are probably the most 80/20 way to go about it. For me, right now, the bulk of our content is we have a private Facebook group that I push a bunch of videos out to. Just helpful little tidbits. I actually just track commonly asked questions that clients ask me. I put a running log, and then when I get time I'll batch a bunch of videos together. Often, if I'm traveling because it makes it more interesting, it makes me look cooler than I am.

Honestly, quick tip. In this day and age, don't worry about getting fancy gear. Your iPhone is all you need. There are certain apps that you can get if you want to go even more cinematic. I use this thing here called a SwitchPod. Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income made this. They have this thing that connects directly to your phone, and then you have a boom mic. That's all you need. We're making something right now. It launches September 18th, 2023, called Land Maverick Academy. In those videos, I hired a professional videographer guy and what have you. For the day-to-day quick and easy stuff, 100% use your phone.

I definitely agree. You can also get lost in how much you feel like you have to do because there are so many different sites that you feel like you have to post on and you could do YouTube videos, Facebook posts, Instagram, TikTok, all that stuff.

I think TikTok is Chinese spyware, so be careful with it. If you guys want to get on that bandwagon there, I promise you, TikTok is the easiest way to blow up right now. It's crazy. I have a client who is actually in mobile homes. He's trying to diversify and do some vacant land stuff. He did two videos. I think one of them was in Spanish because he has a lot of Spanish buyers. He got 6 million views on TikTok on his second video. It blew up. TikTok seems to be the spot to be if you want to blow up quickly.

We've talked about the land business and why you've gotten into the land business, content creation, and owning your own business. Let's talk about that now. Let's talk about some of the challenges and triumphs. You talked about how you failed forward. You had a lot of different failures, but you stuck with it.

One of the things that I tell business owners is to pick a thing and be consistent. This show, for example, I've done a lot of shows. Has there been times when I don't want to do shows? Yeah, absolutely. There have been seasons. I don't know if I want to do shows during this season, but I do want. I have conversations like this, and then I get encouraged, I get inspired, and I keep being consistent. You can do that with anything in your business.

You talked about failures and failing forward. What are some of the things you've learned and challenges you've gone through to bring you out right now? You don't show up on this show with Land Maverick Society coming out with videos and coaching students. Talk to us about some of the journey, the triumphs, challenges, and maybe the mistakes.

I'm going to be honest. My biggest hindrance to success was emotional work. I had a lot of trauma as a kid. I'm a pretty broken individual. In some ways, I am still in work and in process on some of that stuff. I went through a coaching program called The Bulletproof Husband, which was helpful. It was essentially expensive fathering. My dad was definitely in my life. I have 5 brothers from 4 different marriages. My dad's been married a bunch of times. I only have a relationship with one of my brothers. I talk to my half-sister that I grew up with maybe once or twice a year or something. I have a pretty broken family background.

Without putting in the emotional work to actually get healed, you're going to always suffer financially. Consistency has been a big issue for me. A lot of things. I've struggled with weight loss. I've struggled with even general leadership qualities. I didn't have what it took because I hadn't put the work in. What's cool and very encouraging about that is no matter what your limitations are, you can do the emotional work to get healed and get better, but it takes work, it sucks, and it's painful. You have to go through your stuff and who you're resentful for and mad at because they abused you one way or the other coming up. You got to go through the process of feeling that and coming to closure, and then releasing them and letting all that stuff go.

Especially when I say I hit burnout and I went through a midlife crisis mental breakdown kind of thing, it forced me to aggressively hone in on a lot of my needed emotional work. I put the time in and I still need a lot more time, but it's like working out. You never finish. You just get stronger and stronger. I think that, coupled with practicing Sabbath and not being the post-award child for hustle culture, I think are the two biggest things that have helped me get successful.

Just because you can work hard doesn't mean you should. You're actually wiser to make sure you're rested. It's counterintuitive, but if you had an equal playing field where everybody works the same amount of hours and puts in the same amount of output, your only competitive advantage is coming fresh when they're tired.

There's a book called The Art of War. It's an old book by some Chinese guy. In that book, he made a strong case that a general should be very intentional to ensure that his men are well-fed, hydrated, and ready for battle. If you're not ready for battle because you're so thin, you're going to break down. I did. I came back, but I definitely went through that breakdown process.

I want to ask that question about the Sabbath because, obviously, in the Christian world, we're starting to hear that. It's been around, obviously, since the creation of the world. At least maybe I'm in the world or I'm reading more about it. Trying to slow down. I'm reading more about margin in real life, the Sabbath, and slowing down. Practically, you implemented that. What does that even look like for you guys as a family? Even Sundays, so you practice your Shabbat/Sabbath on Saturdays.

In our culture and the way I grew up, Sunday is always that day because that's the day you go to church. I'm like, "I got to wake up for church." That's a grind to get my whole family out to church and I'm tired by the time it's noon. I definitely don't feel rested through that whole process. Can you take us into what you do? When things pop up because they will, or this guy he wants to talk on a Saturday because that's the only day he can talk business-wise, or something else is going to pop up. What do you do in those situations? Can you take us into that, practically speaking?

Try it. Don't judge me. Try it out for yourself. I think Saturday is the key. I think God knew what he was doing. In the Old Testament, he was like, "Sabbath day is Saturday." There's a reason why Jewish people, from an 80/20 standpoint, are one of the most productive, most wealthy, and most contributing cultures yet have one of the world's smallest populations. There's a reason for it. There's a blessing. It's like tithing. There's a blessing that comes from tithing, but it's like tithing on steroids. There's peace and rest that comes.

For us, we are not super strict about no electronics. Maybe eventually, when my kids are older and they could stomach it and not drive as crazy, we might try it out. For us, it means absolutely no work. We're so strict about it that we don't even let our staff work on Saturday. No one is allowed to touch leads. There are people that I've worked with who will text me on a Saturday and I won't respond to them. I don't touch anything related to work. I don't care how urgent it is. I set it up as an expectation because nothing is so urgent that it can't wait until Sunday. I am happy to text them on my way to church or super early in the morning on Sunday.

To your point, we found the same thing. If I try to practice Sabbath on Sunday, we're running grocerie. Our church is in Chicago, so it's intense and you're not resting. What we do is on Saturday night, we have a meal and it's so festive that on Thanksgiving, my son belted out in the middle of all the stuff that was going on for Thanksgiving and went "Shabbat Shalom" because he thought it was Sabbath. It's literally a party. We bring out the wine, we bring out the greatest food, and everything. We exit out of the world and we retreat with God. We're thankful and we spend time with family. We go do stuff. The kids go to the park or go to the trampoline park. We do whatever we can to rest and to thoroughly enjoy life.

It's a complete game changer because it's a reset. Every week has an end and a beginning. If I'm drained and I'm at my wit's end because I'm putting out a bunch of fires, I come to that end of that week and it stops. Come Sunday and Monday, I'm refreshed, ready to rock again, and at the beginning. It completely changed everything for us. We watch movies. We're not crazy Amish people or Jews that practice proper Shabbat. They're going to have no electronics once a week. For us, music and it's a big party.

That's something that you can look forward to that rest or that recharge.

Me and my wife love Sabbath so much. We talk about it like, "I can't wait." It does give you something to look forward to.

Jaren, thanks so much for sharing with us. I know we covered a lot of different things. I want to also talk about Land Maverick Society. There are a lot of different ways to do the land business. Just like in real estate, you can flip land and you can buy. I talked to a guy who bought farmland a few years ago, rented it to farmers, and then it cashflowed. You can do things like that. I used to work with a timber company, so you can buy wooded land and do that angle. Land Maverick Society. There's a little bit about what you teach people. I know you do a very simple process. You say, "Here's what we do and we delegate the rest." Can you talk to us about that a little bit?

There's a lot of land businesses out there that specialize in selling things on terms. I don't really do that. I sell everything for cash. We aggressively use land-specialized agents to sell all of our property. I'm outsourcing dispositions. We're pretty much an acquisition house. We build a massive pipeline of inventory, and then we work with agents to offload that inventory. Again, they're normally selling properties within about 70 days or so. In order to make our model work, we have to be a little bit more intentional on the due diligence front. I can't buy a landlocked property or a property that's five acres in the side of a mountain. That's unusable because it's so steep. We have to make sure that it's a solid product that would sell through the MLS.

IDP 23 | Land Business

I walk everybody through selecting a market. That's also a pretty big piece to it in some ways because certain markets are easier than others. We walk through how to select a market and how to set up your lead processing infrastructure. We use a software called It's the best out-of-the-box CRM system for land investors. I'm pretty integrated with them. They had set up a special type of account where you get the exact build out of my environment if you go through my link. All my coaching students have exactly all my templates and have all the stages built out. I can actually sync my account with theirs and look at how they're processing leads and what have you.

We set that up, and then we talk about marketing. Most people are doing mail. I would probably say 80% of everybody is doing mail, and then 20% might do texting or a combination of mail and texting. Cold calling is starting to step into the fold in the land space at the moment. Direct mail in most states, you're looking at about 1 deal for every 3 to 3,500 units of mail. If we're talking Florida or Colorado, certain states, you're closer to probably 7,000 to 10,000 units of mail, but it's nothing like it is in-house wholesaling.

In certain markets, people do blind offers. I stick to neutral letters, which says, "I'm an investor. I'm interested in making an offer on your property." I do say something pretty intentional. I say, "As an investor, I cannot pay full market value for any property that I buy. That being said, I do try to give you as much money as I possibly can. Often, I'll bid my competitors 30% to 50%." That accomplishes a lot because it frames the seller like, "Don't talk to me if you want market value. Talk to me if you're willing to sell at a discount."

That's what we do. From there, we use certain software tools to check for wetlands, let access neighboring structures, flood zones, a bunch of due diligence stuff, and then we will reach out to land-specialized agents to help us fake solidify comps. That's probably the biggest. There are three core skill sets of a land investor in our model. We're experts at running comps and due diligence. We're experts at talking to motivated sellers on the phone. We're experts at finding, vetting and managing land-specialized agents. Everything outside of those three core skill sets is noise and distraction. It should be outsourced as much as possible.

I don't recommend people scrub their own direct mail list. We recommend people use a company called Supercharged Offers that does all the heavy lifting for you. Just focus on getting leads, processing those leads, and doing those three things over and over again. That's probably one of the hardest parts of being a land investor. Land comps are all over the place. Oftentimes, it can't be found. You have to use an educated guess or lean on a land-specialized agent who's in the area and does deals in the area and can give you that solid list price.

You have to frame the conversation correctly because you have to say, "I want to sell this property within 90 days or less. Don't give me an off-the-wall, crazy high list price. It may not be the cheapest thing on the market, but second to it. That type of range." We then rinse and repeat. I'll always go through titles. A lot of land investors in the more terms deal space, they'll encourage people to self-close to try to save some money. Bad move.

I remember one time at Simple Wholesaling, we went through a title, we got title insurance, and there was a property that about a month after we sold it that the person who bought it from us says, "There's a $38,000 lien on this property." I was like, "I think Brett paid a thousand dollars deductible, title insurance took care of it, and we were off to the races." You don't want that mess on your hands. You want to sleep at night. Go through title, pay the powers, have your fractional team in place, and then you're off to the races.

I know that you guys run an amazing organization, Land Maverick Society. Make sure, if you're tuning in, go check that out if you're interested in land. Jaren, I appreciate you so much. It's awesome hanging out with you again. I appreciate you. Thanks for being on the show.

It was an honor. Brett, I got to get you on the Land Maverick show. That'd be awesome.

Let's rock it out. Let's do it. We'll see you soon.

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